ROUND TABLE Circus: Opening Up Spaces for Contemporary Circus

Information Center
Round Table
19. June 2023 | 11:00 -
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center, Fidicinstraße 40, 10965 Berlin

ROUND TABLE Circus: Opening Up Spaces for Contemporary Circus

With Emma Laule (Time for Circus) and Daniel Brunet (director and artistic director of English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center), Moderated by: Cox Ahlers (BUZZ)

What kinds of spaces do productions in the field of contemporary circus need? When on the search for locations for performances, circus artists often come up against the preconceptions that revolve around flying artists, sawdust and horse droppings – which only seldom have to do with the reality of contemporary circus. What special needs does this field actually have? How can curiosity about this innovative art form which does not fit so neatly into one individual box be awakened? What potentials does it bring with and how can it represent an enrichment of the schedule of programming for independent performance venues? And, very importantly: can it perhaps even be possible to find new audiences by offering non-verbal formats and the use of the body as the primary means of artistic expression? In this round table event, the focus is placed on bringing independent performance venues into conversation with contemporary circus artists, allowing them to get to know each other and get excited about working together in the future. This is an event of the Berlin Performing Arts Program in cooperation with the Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus (BUZZ, the German Federal Association for Contemporary Circus). 

In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using English spoken language

Please register by June 12 to:
beratung [at]