The Salon of Application Poetry

Information Center
Network Event
15. September 2023 | 15:00 -
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center, Fidicinstraße 40, 10965 Berlin

The Salon of Application Poetry

With Therese Schmidt, Daniel Brunet and additional guests

We are asked again and again: what does a perfect, successful funding application actually look like? How does it have to sound, how does it have to come across? And, wouldn’t it be great, just once, to have the opportunity to talk about specific examples of applications? In our new salon format, we are combining discussion, networking and an application showcase with each other. Therese Schmidt and her guests will provide insight into some of their applications (which have already been crowned with success) and talk about their experiences: what works well when writing a funding application? How can you present a project in a manner that is both well-founded as well as appealing? And what should you leave out? Also, very importantly: what was it, in your opinion, that gave the application you presented its success?

Following this, we invite everyone to stay to network and discuss things openly: without any moderation or facilitation, this get-together provides space for conversations big and small about funding, applications, accounting and all of the other highlights that can be found in working independently as well as to reconnect with and get to know (future) colleagues.
It is also possible to register to attend this second part without taking part in the Application Showcase.

In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using English spoken language

Please register by September 8, 2023 to:
beratung [at]