Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

Information Center
17. April 2023 | 15:00 -

Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

With Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)

Are you still searching urgently for a dramaturg or stage designer for the next project and, despite multiple calls throughout your networks, still haven’t found anyone? Are you looking for jobs and projects, have the time and desire to collaborate in a performance project or start to develop a shared idea, but neither posts or mass mails have managed to bring anything together yet? Salon – Lost and Found was created especially for these cases: here, projects can be presented, partners can be looked for and projects can be found. The only requirement as participants is that you have an actual project or can imagine a specific project which can still be without funding in the planning stage. We look forward to a friendly event with you!
This event will take place in German spoken language, questions and answers are also possible in English.

Register by April 10 to: beratung [at]