Strategic thinking and planning in times of crisis and transformation

Information Center
11. October 2022 | 10:00 -

Strategic thinking and planning in times of crisis and transformation

two-day workshop

Second day: October 12, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

This workshop is primarily aimed at advanced level, or experienced/established artists. The workshop develops around the main strands of understanding the different forms of crisis, whether crisis in creativity, blockages, deadlocks, or crisis that is induced by economic and political external factors. The workshop aims to provide the participants with strategic tools that may support their transition towards a new phase in their artistic practise. These tools include critical reflection on artistic methods of creation, connections to the political and social transformations and innovative formats, as well as the analysis of the connection to the artistic and cultural environment surrounding them. The workshop will be conducted from the perspective of strategic thinking where every aspect of the career of the artist and their creative project is interwoven within a plan/forecast working towards transformation and the unlocking of creative potentials.

In English spoken language, questions can also be asked in Arabic spoken language.

Nora Amin is an author, performer, choreographer, theater director and scholar/researcher/instructor. She is a grant recipient of the Center for Theater of the Oppressed in Rio de Janeiro, the founder and artistic director of the independent theater group Lamusica and the national Egyptian project for Theater of the Oppressed and its Arabic network, a grant recipients from the Academy of the Arts of the World in Cologne, the International Research Center for Interweaving Performance Cultures at the FU, the Valeska-Gert guest professor for dance studies and a former mentor for the Flausen+bundesnetzwerk. She is a board member of the German center of the International Theater Institute and a member of the academic advisory board of the Barba Varley Foundation. She is a graduate of the cultural management course of studies at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and a former guest instructor at the Institute for Cultural Policy of the University of Hildesheim.

Register by October 4 to:
beratung [at]