Symposium Day 1: Between Scathing Reviews and Marketing – the Future of Cultural Journalism in Dialogue with the Independent Performing Arts Community (for professionals)

11. August 2021 | 11:00 -
Refugio Berlin, Lenaustraße 3-4, 12047 Berlin

Symposium Day 1: Between Scathing Reviews and Marketing – the Future of Cultural Journalism in Dialogue with the Independent Performing Arts Community (for professionals)

2-day symposium on August 11 and 12, 2021

Day 1 for Professionals

On the first day of the symposium, we invite representatives from: press and public relations, cultural journalists, critics, bloggers, podcasters, students and other professionals. Together we want to pursue job-specific questions, think about challenges and possible solutions: press and public relations work and cultural journalism are in a state of upheaval. What makes cultural journalism important at a time when the diversity of voices has increased enormously? What channel does it take place on when newspapers struggle with rapidly falling circulation? What financing models are there? Which partners are needed? What is the difference between critics and influencers? Is the communication between art and journalists working? We, the cultural journalist Georg Kasch and the team of the Performing Arts Program, want to discuss these questions with specialist guests on the first day of the symposium.

Day 2 for everyone interested

Die Ergebnisse unsdes ersten Tages dienen als Arbeitsgrundlade für Tag 2, der für alle Vertreter:innen der freien darstellenden Künste und des Kulturjournalismus offen ist. Dabei soll es um einen offenen Gedankenaustausch gehen, bei dem Kontroversen und Überraschungen durchaus gewollt sind, denn die Medienlandschaft verändert sich radikal! Einerseits brechen Kulturjournalist:innen Aufträge und Einnahmen weg, erlebt die Freie Szene, dass sie immer seltener in Zeitungen, Onlinemagazinen und im Radio vorkommt. Andererseits eröffnen (sich) bislang unbekannte Perspektiven, Medien, Distributionskanäle. Wie kann man diesen Veränderungen produktiv begegnen? Wie ließe sich Kulturjournalismus neu denken? Ist es vielleicht Zeit für neue Bündnisse und Solidarität zwischen den beiden Sphären? Welche Möglichkeiten haben freie Kulturjournalist:innen, von ihrer Arbeit zu leben und dennoch unabhängig zu bleiben? Welche Alternativen bieten sich der Freien Szene, ihre Arbeit einem größeren Publikum bekannt zu machen?

Important Information for Registration

The programming will take place as a live event at the Refugio Berlin – in order to participate, a same-day negative COVID-19 quick test result with corresponding certification is mandatory. A list of nearby testing stations will be provided upon registration.

We ask you to make a binding registration by August 4, 2021 by sending an email to symposium2021 [at] ( The detailed hygiene concept for taking part in this event live and on location will be provided upon registration.


Schedule Day 1

From 10:00 am
Accreditation and Coffee

11:00 am

Opening Greeting by Georg Kasch (cultural journalist), Julian Kamphausen (Performing Arts Program)

11:15 am

Keynote Speech
Luna Ali  The role of journalism: Between Precarization and New Models of Participation and the Public

11:40 am
Keynote Speech
Bettina Schuseil  Cooperation Between the Independent Scene and Cultural Journalism Beyond the Publishers  Opportunities for Self-Empowerment

12:00 pm
Coffee Break

12:30 pm
Round 1 Table Conversations

Table A: "Hybrid Employment Models in Cultural Journalism 
Or How Independent Can Critics Still Be?"
With Alina Kolar (Arts of the Working Class) and Anuya Rane (Ada-Studio-Writer)
Table B: "Fundinig of Cultural Journalism"
With Sascha Westphal and Elisabeth Luft (
KritikGestalten. Neue Blicke auf Freies Theater), Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (inquired)
Table C: "
Podcasts  the cultural journalism tool of the future?"
With Sabrina Zwach and Gesine Danckwart (Podcast “Applaus, Applaus”), Freya Magdalena Herrmann and Vera Klocke (Podcast “Fashion the Gaze”)
Table D: "Great New Opportunities on the Internet
Substack, Steady & Co."
With Marcel Weiß (
Table E: "Political Associations in Journalism"
With Renate Gensch (German Union of Journalists 
dju) and Carola Dorner (Freischreiber)

14:00 pm
Lunch Break

3:00 pm
Round 2 Table Conversatione
The participants are invited to switchtables

4:30 pm
Feedback + Conclusion


Schedule Day 2


Registration by August 9, 2021 (please state your profession):
symposium2021 [at]