From Theory to Practice: Steps to Intersectional Work Structures
From Theory to Practice: Steps to Intersectional Work Structures
January 23/24/31, 2025, respectively from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
This three-day workshop is intended for culture makers, artists and producers who would like to implement power-critical knowledge on a practial basis: we will activate our knowledge for practical deployment, ask pragmatic questions and take the first steps down the path toward an intersectional way of working. Together, we will search for realizable routes toward collaboration that is critical of power as well as accessible. The focus will be placed upon initiating sustainable changes as well as setting specific goals for one’s own work environment, realizing them as well as observing this process.
The workshop is divided into three parts, similar to a further education format: on the first day, we will move from our shared knowledge to practical strategies and then, on the second day, design our own goals that are motivating and realistic. We will check this and our resulting practical steps on the third day, adjust our goals, learn from what we have observed and expand upon our strategies.
In German spoken language, it is possible to ask questions and make comments using English spoken language.