Transnational Consultation – Further Education for Advisors in the Independent Performing Arts

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30. August 2021 | 09:00 -

Transnational Consultation – Further Education for Advisors in the Independent Performing Arts

Guides to the Independent Performing Arts

How can advisement opportunities for international artists be made more accessible? We invite all interested parties to attend an interdisciplinary further education and exchange format with practical tips, input presentations and discussions surrounding the topic of the advisement of international artists and culture makers.
The event, which will be realized within the scope of the nationwide project “Guides to the Independent Arts Communities – Multilingual Symposia and Gallery Walk 2021”, is intended for advisors, advisement structures, points of contact as well as members of initiatives and voluntary supporters of artists.
The schedule of events for this exchange and networking format has been developed in cooperation with international guides and the project partners of the project across the nation. The goal is to transfer and receive methodological knowledge surrounding specific opportunities for international artists. The reciprocal acquaintance with and discussion of topics such as challenges in the field of advisement, project applications for and with international artists and structural diversification will be placed in the foreground.


Schedule of Events (Subject to Change)

Zoom Event

9:00 am
Official Welcome and Brief Explanation of the Schedule


9:15 am
Multilingual Symposia in Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, NRW and Berlin for International Artists in the Year 2021 – Presentation by the Guides and Partners

With the guides: Charlotte Bomy, Steve Mekoudja, Ronan Favereau, Inky Lee, Dorota Kot, Patrick Fuhrmann, Laia Ribera Cañenguez, Magda Cecilia Agudelo Moreno, Rabih Beaini, Salah Zater, Keith Zenga King


10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Online Gallery Walk

At the beginning of the event, the participants will be divided into groups who will visit one of three different themed breakout rooms over the course of the gallery walk. The invited speakers, guides and partners give a short input at the beginning of the respective break-out room, which is thematically related to the main topic of the room:

Room 1: Problems and Challenges in the Advisement of International Artists
Moderated by: Sebastian Hoffmann. Speakers: Yusuf Sahili (Landesmusikrat Berlin) and Patrick Fuhrmann (Guide)
Room 2: Submitting Project Applications for and with International Artists
Moderated by: Charlotte Bomy. Speaker: Yasemin Tayeboun (Interkultur Ruhr)
Measures to More Effectively Reach for the International Target Group as well as Structural Diversification
Moderated by: Dr. Frederika Tsai


1:00 to 2:00pm
Presentation of the Results of the Discussion Rooms

Answers and suggestions, comments and closing event



The project “Guides to the Independent Arts Communities – Multilingual Symposia and Gallery Walk 2021” is supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. A project in cooperation with schreiben & leben der Lettrétage, Music Pool Berlin, inm – initiative neue musik berlin e.V., Tanzbüro München, Theaterbüro München, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V., Interkultur Ruhr, Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart, Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart, Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg e.V. and fluctoplasma.

Register by August 27:
lotsinnen [at]