Update: Funding and Financing Opportunities

Information Center
Information Event
5. October 2020 | 10:30 -

Update: Funding and Financing Opportunities

Information Event with Peggy Mädler ( dramaturge, independent author, editing LAFT Berlin)

Language: German

Access: This event will take place online, access to it will be provided upon registration.

The federal government and the states have reacted to the coronavirus crisis with a series of funding programs, grants and financing models for the performing arts and brought a great deal of movement into the funding landscape. Some of the application deadlines are right around the corner, so it’s high time to get an overview of the new funding opportunities and discuss your concepts and target groups! 
What new funding programs are appropriate for my project? What requirements need to be met? What tools can be combined with each other? Peggy Mädler will provide information about the current state of the funding landscape - discussion is very much desired and in-depth advisement sessions afterward are an option!


In order to attend, please send an email by October 3, 2020, at the latest, to: beratung [at] pap-berlin.de ().