Who Do “We” Want to Have Been? und Outlook: The 2019 – 2021 Performing Arts Program

Industry Get-Together
7. September 2019 | 19:00
Sophiensaele Berlin, Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin

Who Do “We” Want to Have Been? und Outlook: The 2019 – 2021 Performing Arts Program

At the end of the Industry Get-Together, we will all come together to look back at what happened and look forward to what is coming. Who was here? Who is still to come? Let us focus on the interconnections, continue to dream up utopias and see the independent performing arts community as a shared starting point for solidarities. The Performing Arts Program team looks forward to making not one but two toasts with you over a glass of sparkling wine – first, to celebrate the future of PAP, secondly, to close out the 7th Industry Get-Together of Berlin’s Independent Performing Arts Community, before we move on to the dance floor to celebrate the solidarities of the independent performing arts community.

With: The Berlin Performing Arts Program team. Closing Toast: Gob Squad.