Freie Szene Tage Berlin

Freie Szene Tage Berlin

With Spielraum – Freie Szene Tage der darstellenden Künste Berlin 2024 (Spielraum – the 2024 Berlin Days of the Independent Performing Arts Community), the Performing Arts Program Berlin 2024 coordinated, for the first time, a citywide campaign that will now take place annually.

The Freie Szene Tage will focus on the independent performing arts venues as spaces for encounter and movement, as places of exchange and social transformation. Which community initiatives and neighborhood projects target which audiences? How can connections to the wider urban community be strengthened, and how can new audiences be reached? How can we continue to network beyond existing spaces, exchange perspectives, and gain new insights for our community work?

Venue tours, open rehearsals, workshops, audience discussions, open days, public art, and neighborhood projects will take place alongside and in conjunction with the regular stage program, aiming to engage a broad public.


Linus Lutz
linus.lutz [at]

Florian Hohnhorst
florian.hohnhorst [at]