The 10th Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community

20. October 2022 - 22. October 2022

The 10th Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community

October 20 to October 22, 2022
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz,
Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

After nine intense years of solidarity, exchange and the shared transformation of working conditions, we will meet up in the fall of 2022 for our tenth Industry Get-Together!

The 10th Industry Get-Together of Independent Performing Arts Community of the Berlin Performing Arts Program will once again provide space for exchanges, networking and specific engagement by and for the independent performing arts community.  What resources and methods have we developed in order to flexibly handle difficulties and tasks? How can we share these with each other while both preserving our self-selected working practices as well as adapting to the current circumstances?

Over the course of panel discussions, presentations, workshops, work meetings, networking meetings as well as many other additional formats, we will come together once again and here’s what we want to talk about: sustainability, cultural policy, theater and schools, internationalization, accessibility, funding structures, working methods, audience research… 

There will be three full days where supporting your work will be the focus! After all: much has been accomplished – despite the great number of challenges at the moment. Let’s keep it all going with the 10th Industry Get-Together!


With (amongst many others):

Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager), Dr. Anke Strauß (Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research), Anna Vera Kelle, Matthias Kelle & Karen Giese (leadership of Theater Strahl), Anne Schneider (director and concept developler), Daniel Schrader (LAFT Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin &  Ballhaus Ost), the Initiative for a Culture Funding Law in Berlin, Béla Bisom (culture producer and founding member of produktionsbande - netzwerk performing arts producer), Daniel Brunet (LAFT Berlin), Felix Sodemann (project coordination touring artists / International Theater Institute / independent theater maker), Sebastian Hoffmann (advisement opportunities touring artists / SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreativ), Dr. Lena Blessing (program director of TUSCH), Felizitas Stilleke (curator, theater maker, dramaturg), Saraya Gomis (State Secretary for Diversity and Antidiscrimination), Jasmin Ibrahim (Theater X), Barbara Santos (Kuringa), Aidan Riebensahm (independent dramaturg member of the Initiative for Solidarity), Julian Kamphausen & Gloria Schulz (Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten), Johanna Hasse (theater scout, director and dramaturg), Katharina von Wilcke (format development Singles and Theatre Lovers, culture manager and curator), Susanne Chrudina (development of the venue tours, director, writer and director of the national competitions of the Berliner Festspiele), Swetlana Gorich (co-coordinator of Theater Scoutings Berlin, facilitator and production manager), Suzanne Muller Jaeschke (theater scout, independent dramaturg, culture manager and theater therapist), Laura Böttingen (dance facilitator, production manager, artistic director of the facilitation program Dance On Partizipation), Jana Korb (artist, aerial artist and cultural scholar), Mun Wai Lee (choreographer and dancer), Anna-Kirstine Linke (artist with a focus on biographical work and participatory (post-performance) formats), the team of Flugwerk, Diana Palm (transformation manager for sustainable culture, culture manager, blogger) & Valeria Geritzen (transformation manager for sustainable culture, text, PR and communication), Ragnhild Tronstad (Kulturtanken), Elena Philipp (, DLF Kultur), Thomas F. Eder (EAIPA), NFT Netzwerk Freier Theater, European Theatre Convention, Juliane Hahn (Gessnerallee Zürich), Louise Stölting (Rimini Protokoll), France-Elena Damian (tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg), Wanda Vrasti (Kollektiv lecken), the team of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival (Anika Andreßen, Elmar Conzen, Anna Florin, Leoni Grützmacher, Luisa Kaiser, Claudia Marks, Nora Wagner & Anna Wille), Alisa Tretau (theater maker, systemic coach), Helge-Björn Meyer (BFDK, the German Federal Association of the Independent Performing Arts), Dr. Vera Allmanritter (cultural sociologist, (non) audience research), Sarah Böhmer (Sophiensaele), Aurora Kellermann (artistic director of TATWERK | Performative Forschung), Dr. Janet Merkel (sociologist, focal points of the work include urban development, urban economies, art and the creative industries), Dr. Alexandra Manske (sociologist, focal points of the work include labor and society, the cultural sector and creative economies), Mey Seifan & Marianne Ramsay-Sonneck (LAFT Berlin),  Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe) and the entire Berlin Performing Arts Program team.

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 10:00 - 10:30

Over the course of a relaxed meeting format, we will help the visitors to break the ice, quickly become acquainted with each other and thus build the foundations for a successful exchange during the conference!

With Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager) and Florian Hohnhorst (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 11:00 - 12:00

Let’s build the future together! We are opening the 10th Industry Get-Together - and greeting you with words of welcome, insights into the challenges of theater buildings (especially those being newly constructed), a look at the schedule of events and the opening speeches about the current challenges and the strengths of the independent performing arts community.

With Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program), Anna Vera Kelle, Matthias Kelle & Karen Giese (leadership team of Theater Strahl), Dr. Anke Strauß (Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research), Sarah Stührenberg (Berlin Performing Arts Program) and additional guests

Moderated by: Anne Schneider (director and concept developer)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language
The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language.

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 12:00 - 13:00
Presentation & Discussion

Directly following the opening ceremonies, we will dive into what has been going on in cultural policy and will dedicate ourselves to the specific developments on the state level: where do we stand with the independent performing arts in Berlin in the middle of a pandemic, war and energy crisis? How are the preparations for the winter of 2022 going as well as the cost increases of the coming years? Why does Berlin need a law mandating funding for culture and a new collaboration between the cultural advocacy associations? What is going on right now in Brandenburg? How far along is the development of an inclusive cultural landscape  for everyone? Over the course of compact, brief presentations, an overview of everything that is important on the state level right now will be provided.

With Sandrine Micossé-Aikins (Diversity Arts Culture, invited), Nicole Nikutowksi (Landesverband Freie Darstellende Künste Brandenburg e. V., invited), Daniel Schrader (LAFT Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin & Ballhaus Ost), Franziska Stoff (Landesmusikrat Berlin), the Initiative for a Cultural Funding Law in Berlin and Dr. Torsten Wöhlert (Berlin State Secretary for Culture, invited)

Moderated by: Anne Schneider (director and concept developer)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language
The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 12:00 - 14:00

The challenges arising in the occupational field of producing are myriad: writing funding applications, concluding contracts, creating payment schedules, checking costs, knowing the needs for insurance, paying taxes, planning travel and accommodation, transporting (or arranging the transport of) sets, not freaking out… This and much more is expected of an artistic producer. While some practitioners decide to handle both the art and the producing themselves, others prefer to collaborate with an external production management company.

Let’s have a conversation: what are the advantages and disadvantages that can be found on each side? What are the expectations for a collaboration with external production management companies? How do production managers work today, what costs can be expected and how do I find the right company if I am looking for one?

With Béla Bisom (culture producer and founding member produktionsbande - netzwerk performing arts producer [produktonsband - Network of Performing Arts Producers)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 12:00 - 14:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Information Event

Are you new in Berlin? Over the course of brief presentations and discussions, we will provide an overview of working and rehearsal spaces for projects in the independent performing arts! How do I find a suitable location for my needs? How and where do I find rehearsal spaces for shorter-term projects? How can I secure space for longer-term projects? What funding opportunities exist and what prerequisites do I need to meet?

With Daniel Brunet (LAFT Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin & English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center), PROSA (Projekt zur Schaffung künstlerischer Arbeitsräume), Toni Zahn (Rehearsal Space Platform Berlin)

In English spoken language.

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 12:00 - 14:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Most of us are in agreement about the necessity of ensuring that work processes are sustainable: the agreement is to plan, travel and perform as climate-friendly as possible. The requirements associated with this often bring challenges for the artists with them. Alongside the difficulties, for example, in the planning of sustainable travel options and routes, there is often no funding available to make the work and touring process climate-friendly.

On the basis of specific examples, we will look at fields of work, funding opportunities and the wide spectrum of options that are easy to implement in order to avoid leaving a big ecological footprint on your next tour. The participants in the workshop are asked to bring their own projects and questions to the workshop with them. Together, we would like to discuss with each other in small groups and develop options for taking action.

With Sebastian Hoffmann (advisement opportunities touring artists / SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreativ)
and Felix Sodemann (project coordination touring artists / International Theater Institute / independent theater maker)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 12:30 - 14:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

What opportunities do encounters between schools and the independent performing arts community provide? What desires and demands do we have for this? What experiences already exist and what problems could arise? In small groups with instruction, we will discuss these and additional questions and immerse ourselves in the realities and utopias of the everyday cultural life of schools over gummy worms and Capri Sun. 

With Dr. Lena Blessing (program direction of TUSCH), Angela Löer (performer/director/cultural mediator) and Nora Wagner (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 13:30 - 15:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

We offer free vegetarian and vegan snacks for lunch. Due to the construction, we do not have a place where we can all eat together; all participants are, however, warmly invited to seek out a place to hang out, chill out and exchange for themselves. The premises of the Jugendherberge am Ostkreuz and the theater auditorium are accessible during the lunch break and there is also the option of chatting with each other in the courtyard!

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 14:00 - 15:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

During a game of round-the-table ping-pong, cultural policy makers and the independent performing arts community will discuss arguments, guidelines and changes of perspective. Who will run out of steam first? This active discussion will be led by our favorite referee, Felizitas Stilleke. Food for the players and the spectators will be provided.

With Felizitas Stilleke (curator, theater maker, dramaturg), guests and everyone interested. Please bring a ping-pong paddle and ping-pong balls with you!

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 15:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

The comprehensive study Systemcheck (System Check) of the BFDK, the conference Fair Pay!, the fee commission of the cultural ministers and the question of an increase to the minimum fee limits… the conversations are heating up! In Berlin as well, the recommendations for minimum fee limits have to be increased once again for 2023, at the latest. Will there finally also be a relevant pension entitlement? And isn’t it really long-past time for fee guidelines beyond those for minimum limits?

With brief presentations and a moderated round of discussion, we will provide some insight into the state of things and look at models, concepts and strategies concerning fees and wages and pose questions regarding the next steps.

With Lisa Basten (ver.di, invited), Frederieke Behrens & Tobias Pflug (Fair Pay! – a Participatory Process for the New Orientation of Fee Recommendations, invited), Helge-Björn Meyer (Alliance of the Independent Arts) and additional guests

Moderated by: Anne Schneider (director and concept developer)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language

The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language

Information Center
Expert qualification
Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 15:00 - 16:30

With this ten-year anniversary of the Industry Get-Together, we are also looking back on 10 years of advisement practice in the Berlin Performing Arts Program: how has our advisement program and the advisement offered by other structures changed over the course of this time? What are our goals and how can we shape our advisement sessions with these in mind? What challenges arise when advice shared between colleagues becomes a professional service that is compensated for?

In a fishbowl format, we will consider these questions with colleagues form other information centers and experts with years of experience and talk about how we determine the advisement needs of the community and where we may create these ourselves. Over the course of the exchange, we will also reflect on ourselves: on the one hand, we are legitimized by a high demand, but on the other hand, we want to advise people to be autonomous. In the discussion revolving around addiction or autonomy in the advisement, we want to sketch out a vision for the advisement of tomorrow together.

With Sabrina Apitz (Kreativ Kultur Berlin), Sebastian Hoffmann (Touring Artists), Katharina von Wilcke (curator, production manager, advisor for PAP) and additional guests

Moderated by: Fatima Çalışkan and Christin Eckert (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language, it is also possible to ask questions in English

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 15:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

Racism is a structural problem and penetrates all spheres of society, including the arts as well. This is why people who have been affected by discrimination create their own spaces, be these physical locations or work groups, ensembles, et cetera in which their existential and aesthetic realities can come into focus. How are these spaces created and what significance does their existence have for those involved? What conditions do they exist under? In what scope and in what ways do these conditions influence their methods of working? In what relationship do they stand with other, primarily white spaces?

Following four brief keynote speeches about the construction of alternative spaces, the challenges associated with them as well as the opportunities, we will enter into conversation with the audience and open up the discussion. Alongside networking, the focus will be placed on specific knowledge transfer about possible strategies and tools.

With Saraya Gomis (Berlin’s State Secretary for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination), Jasmin Ibrahim (Theater X) and Barbara Santos (Kuringa)

Moderated by: Aidan Riebensahm (independent dramaturg and member of the Initiative for Solidarity in Theater)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 15:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

While analog spaces generally feature countless barriers, a majority of democratic decision-making still takes place inside of them. This thus makes it more difficult for many people to take part in democratic processes. Even if, however, digital spaces carry the promise of greater accessibility with them, many platforms end up disappointing: the services are often complicated and very difficult to use for people with little digital experience or impairments in the areas of mobility, seeing and hearing. We are asking: what impulses exist from other societies as well as from the independent performing arts to make digital democratic spaces conceivable?

Over the course of three brief keynote speeches, innovative approaches from the perspectives of the independent performing arts, digital democracy in the Baltic countries and political science will be presented and then discussed together with the participants.

With Julian Kamphausen & Gloria Schulz (Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten) and additional guests

In German and English spoken language

Information Center
Expert qualification
Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Network Event

Advisement structures that we are associated with and/or already cooperating with are warmly invited to join us and discuss their advisement practice and its challenges.
This event is only open to representatives of advisement structures and requires registration in advance. 

In German spoken language, it is also possible to ask questions in English

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

We will take a look back at the development of the communication community in recent years: how have the diverse format developments changed and influenced the value of communication in Berlin’s independent arts community within the performing arts?

Performance venues, artists, scouts, facilitators and many other creative minds come together who have created new and experimental forms for encountering the audience. Using the example of Theater Scoutings Berlin, they will show how communication can contribute to an introduction to and more in-depth engagement with the artistic productions of Berlin’s independent performing arts community. Over the course of an open exchange with the audience, they will discuss what has already been achieved, which questions still remain unanswered and what desires exist for the future.

All members of the independent arts community that work in the field of communication or would like to integrate it within their work in the future are warmly invited to take part in the conversation.

With Susanne Chrudina (development of the performance venues tours, director, writer and director of the national contests of the Berliner Festspiele),, Nathalie Frank (founder of Theater Scoutings Berlin, cultural journalist and comic book artist), Swetlana Gorich (former co-director of Theater Scoutings Berlin, facilitator and production manager), Johanna Hasse (theater scout, director and dramaturg), Inka Löwendorf (artistic director, actor and director Heimathafen Neukölln),  Inka Löwendorf (artistic director, actor and director Heimathafen Neukölln, Nora Wagner (co-director of Theater Scoutings Berlin, Communication & Networking for the Berlin Performing Arts Festival),  Juliane Wieland (co-director of Theater Scoutings Berlin and dance scholar), Katharina von Wilcke (developer of the format Singles and Theatre Lovers, culture manager and curator) and  additional guests

Moderated by: Suzanne Muller Jaeschke (theater scout, independent dramaturg, culture manager and drama therapist) 

In German spoken language
The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:00
Network Event

Familiar and not-yet familiar faces come together over snacks and drinks at various places during the Industry Get-Together. Whether we talking about a specific topic or just being spontaneous: let’s chat with each other!

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Network Event

Over the course of the exchange format Open Up!, practice-oriented members of the independent theater communities in Hesse and Berlin entered into contact with each other. The Berlin Industry Get-Together, following the festival Politik im Freien Theater (Politics in Independent Theater), is the second event where the participants meet each other, learn from each other in open as well as closed format and can exchange. The content of the work meeting will be oriented to the needs of the group and will be determined together over the course of the exchange.

Moderated by: Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager)

This is a non-public work meeting that will take place in German spoken language.

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 18:30 - 20:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

What position do I watch a production from? Does our identity, our self-perception, play a role in the reception of art? And if so, what is it? To what extent do the performance venue and the media used also affect my experience? The Berlin Performing Arts Program has created a publication to deal with these questions. With the help of an open call, exciting contributions have been collected and we are very excited to be able to present the publication together with its authors!

Following brief readings from the contributions to the publication, we will enter into an open exchange with the authors and the audience.

With Kerstin Böttcher (DOCKART), Laura Böttingen ((dance facilitator, production manager, artistic director of the facilitation program Dance On Partizipation), Jana Korb (artist, aerial artist and cultural scholar), Mun Wai Lee (choreographer and dancer), Anna-Kirstine Linke (artist with a focus on biographical work and participatory (post-performance) formats)

Moderated by: Nathalie Frank, Nora Wagner & Juliane Wieland (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language

The event will be interpreted into German Sign Language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 10:00 - 10:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Over the course of a relaxed meeting format, we will help you on the second day of the conference as well to break the ice, quickly become acquainted with each other and thus build the foundations for a successful exchange during the conference!

With Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager) and Florian Hohnhorst (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German and English spoken language.

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 10:00 - 13:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

The culture sector is called upon to elaborate and integrate new standards for sustainable producing. The term production refers to the material for the stage design, costumes and makeup, the use of energy, e.g. light and sound as well as the areas of mobility, catering, marketing and communication.


Following a brief look at the foundations of business ecology, the areas of activity involved in the production of theater production will be examined in this workshop. Finally, after an exchange of experiences in small groups, visions and ideas will be developed and, using design thinking approaches, potential solutions and specific steps will be elaborated.

The workshop is part of the project Performing Art - Performing Future of the BFDK and is intended for all levels and areas theater producing: for stage technicians and facility managers, people working in the fields of dramaturgy or management as well as artists and costume designers.  

With & Valeria Geritzen (transformation manager for sustainable culture, text, PR and communication)

 and Diana Palm (transformation manager for sustainable culture, culture manager, blogger)

A cooperation between LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V. as part of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, Performing for Future - Network for Sustainability in the Performing Arts and the Sustainability Project Performing Arts - Performing Future of the Bundesverbands Freie Darstellende Künste e.V., funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, as part of NEUSTART KULTUR using funds from the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 10:30 - 13:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

What cultural policy challenges is theater for young audiences facing after 30 months in social crisis mode? While it became clear here during the pandemic, at the latest, that the needs of children and young people are placed behind those of adults and the economy, Norway introduced the “cultural school backpack” in 2001. It ensures all students in the country of regular contact with cultural opportunities such as film, art, literature, music or theater.


We have invited Ragnhild Tronstad (Kulturtanken) from Oslo to give us a look at the concept, financing and realization of this program and, following a short break, will enter into conversation with representatives of the practice, the schools as well as Berlin’s senate: How can we ensure consistent cultural participation in Berlin as well?


With Ragnhild Tronstad (Kulturtanken) and representatives of Berlin’s State Committee for Students, MOKS Bremen, the Arbeitskreises der Berliner Kinder- und Jugendtheater (Work Group of Berlin Children’s and Youth Theaters, Assitej Germany (invited) and additional guests from the fields of culture and politics

Moderated by: Elena Philipp (, DLF Kultur)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 11:00 - 13:00
Network Event

The state associations of Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin will meet for a work meeting with representatives of the cultural administrations of the three city states. Connected to this are travel groups of artists from Bremen and Hamburg who are guests at the Industry Get-Together and who will enrich the discussions in the network meetings and public encounters with their experiences.

This is a non-public work meeting and travel group

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 11:30 - 13:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Again and again, newcomers arrive and pose us the question: what does a perfect, successful funding application actually look like? We can only answer this question with difficulty, since looking at the applications submitted by colleagues within the independent performing arts community happens only rarely.

We are invited artists and independent groups to present their (successful) applications and talk about their experiences: what works well when writing an application? How do you present a project in a way that is both coherent as well as appealing? What are the dos and don’ts? And: What was it, in your opinion, that gave the application you presented its success?

With She She Pop, Machina Ex, Gob Squad (invited) and additional guests

Moderated by: Christin Eckart (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 11:30 - 13:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Podium Discussion

No matter whether we are talking about festivals, networks, delegation trips or international trade fairs: there are a large number of opportunities to make Berlin’s independent performing arts community more visible on the international level and for artists to network with each other. Over the past two years, however, we have had to come to realize that the collaboration beyond the borders of one’s own country is no longer something that can simply be taken for granted due to the climate crisis, war and pandemic. What advantages and disadvantages do we see in international work? What have we learned through the pandemic? What do we have to pay more attention to in terms of international cooperations? And, most of all: how can we maintain and expand existing networks, alliances and federations in challenging times as well?

With Nisha Anders (Goethe-Institut, invited), Julia Cozic (CFB - Centre Français de Berlin), Thomas F. Eder (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Jorge Tejedor (MeetYou Festival Valladolid) and additional guests

Moderated by: Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager)

In English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 13:00
Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 13:30 - 14:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Network Event

Mentees and mentors from the 2022/2023 Mentoring Program for Newcomers as well as the alumni/ae of the previous programs are warmly invited to come together for an informal exchange and talk about their current projects.

This event is only for mentees and mentors and requires registration in advance.
In German spoken language, it is also possible to ask questions in English


Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 13:00 - 14:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

During a game of round-the-table ping-pong, cultural policy makers and the independent performing arts community will discuss arguments, guidelines and changes of perspective. Who will run out of steam first? This active discussion will be led by our favorite referee, Felizitas Stilleke. Food for the players and the spectators will be provided.

With Felizitas Stilleke (curator, theater maker, dramaturg), guests and everyone interested. Bring a ping-pong paddle and balls with you!

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 14:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Residencies and conferences, transfer of knowledge and advisement, work groups and funding for joint projects: alongside visibility for artistic work and the realization of one’s own activities, networks also provide for the continuity of work structures. But how exactly do these networks work? Who can take advantage of what opportunity and what networks are open for new members? And what network could serve as a role model for founding your own network?

Over the course of open table conversations, national and international performing arts networks will present themselves and provide information about their formation, the focus of their work and internal collaborations as well as regarding their accessibility and what they have to offer to members of the independent performing arts community.

With representatives of the networks LAPAS, European Theater Convention, NFT Netzwerk Freier Theater, PERSPEKTIV:WECHSEL, ITI International Theater Insitute, produktionsbande and additional guests

Moderated by: Catherine Launay & In-Sun Jung (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 14:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

The team of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival have now organized two editions of the festival without a festival director. Decisions are made collectively within the team and it has found its own structures for doing so. But how can these be improved on? What does collective leadership actually mean and what methods for it already exist? What decision-making processes have already been tried out and further developed within other teams? How, for example, are important questions about budgets and work structures answered?

The PAF team is invited experts to exchange experiences and expand on things together. Over the course of a round table discussion, the audience is also invited to take part in the conversation.

With France-Elena Damian (tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg), Juliane Hahn (Gessnerallee Zürich), Louise Stölting (Rimini Protokoll), Wanda Vrasti (Lecken collective), Elmar Conzen and  Leoni Grützmacher (Performing Arts Festival Berlin)

Moderated by: Alisa Tretau (theater maker, systemic coach)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 14:00 - 16:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

On the second day of the Industry Get-Together, we will turn our gaze beyond Berlin over the course of brief presentations: how do the federal associations see the current situation? Is there any news regarding the development of the federal funding bodies? How should the challenges be met that arise from climate change, the pandemic and the energy crisis? In the subsequent discussion about the future interplay of the city, state and federal levels, we want to talk about the coming steps. Within the
scope of the Neustart Kultur programs, the German Federal Government provided funding as a reaction to the crisis very broadly and in a very practice-oriented manner. What scenarios await the independent performing arts community beginning in 2023 and afterward? What strategies are already on the table, where are the gaps and what has to
be done?

With Sabine Bangert (Chairperson Goldrausch e.V.), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Michael Freundt (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland), Cerstin Gerecht (Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, Head of the Department for Performing Arts and Music, invited), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste) and Ulrike Steffel (Hamburg Authority for Culture and Media, Department of Theater, invited)

Moderation: Anne Schneider (Regisseurin und Konzepterin)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 15:00 - 16:30 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Podium Discussion

Let’s talk about target groups: who comes to see productions at independent venues? Who does not? How can target groups be reached that have not been able to be accessed before? Are our performance venues really places for everyone? Over the course of this panel discussion, experts from the fields of (non) audience research, practical theatrical work and from cultural journalism will speak about specific strategies and best practice regarding how venues can continue to open themselves up and specifically address certain groups. In doing so, the issue of what has changed in addressing target groups since the pandemic and what can change due to the currently overlapping crises. And is cultural journalism actually part of the solution or is it part of the problem?

With Dr. Vera Allmanritter (culture sociologist, (non) audience research), Sarah Böhmer (Sophiensaele), Helge Rehders (Senate Department of Cultural and European Affairs) and additional guests

Moderated by: Georg Kasch (cultural journalist & critic)

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 15:00 - 18:00 Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin

The energy with which its inhabitants create and defend independent spaces for participation and culture is one of the defining characteristics of the city of Berlin. Over the course of the three-hour tour Space For Us!, we will visit important locations of this creative and defiant community along the Spree river. Which concepts distinguish which spaces? What stories and what human beings stand behind them? 

We warmly invite you to take part in a shared tour through the spaces of the independent performing arts community and with it, a piece of Berlin’s history as well!
The tour starts at 3:00 pm at Haus der Statistik and ends at 6:00pm at Theater Strahl.
Please bring your own bicycle with you.

With Aurora Kellermann (artistic director of TATWERK | Performative Forschung)

In German spoken language. Participation only after confirmed registration!

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

Since 2013, the Berlin Performing Arts Program (PAP) has worked to strengthen, professionalize and network Berlin’s independent performing arts community. In doing so, the project not only has a decisive effect on the development of Berlin as a location for culture; it has also changed the role of LAFT Berlin as the community’s advocate for questions of cultural policy.

After 10 years, it is high time to stock of things: PAP will now undergo a scholarly evaluation. Dr. Janet Merkel from the field of city and regional economies at the Berlin University of Technology is examining the effects of the project on the economic situation of the independent performing arts community and on the location of Berlin. Dr. Alexandra Manske, on the other hand, is examining the effects of the program on the structure of cultural policy advocacy. 

During the 10th Industry Get-Together, they will provide insight into their methodology and share the first results of their research. You can also complete the current survey on PAP directly while attending this event!

With Dr. Janet Merkel (sociologist, focal points of the work include urban development, urban economies, art and the creative industries) & Dr. Alexandra Manske (sociologist, focal points of the work include labor and society, the cultural sector and creative economies)

Moderated by: Jan-Tage Kühling (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 17:00 - 18:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

After two compact, intense and exciting days of the conference full of cultural policy, illuminating workshops, genial conversations, sporty ping-pong and many opportunities to pursue our discourse more deeply, we will keep things short and take a look at things: what results have we already reached, which questions are still open and how can we take this into the coming evening and tomorrow?

An informative as well as cheerful summing up of the previous hours for everyone who has already forgotten what has happened because of all the impressions as well as those who got here a little late.

With Fatima Çalışkan (Berlin Performing Arts Program) and guests from the previous formats)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2022 - 18:30 - 20:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

We are saying thank you! And we are dedicating the festive conclusion of the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community to everyone who has helped to conceive and realize the format over the last ten years, who have made space available and temporarily changed the way it is used, who explore the events and also, in part, sustained them.

Things will kick off with the format 3 Questions For with Berlin’s Senator for Culture, Dr. Klaus Lederer; what does the Berlin Performing Arts Program mean to him and what stories from the independent performing arts community does he have to share?

Together with our (surprise) guests, we will take a look forward and then a look backward: we would like to thank LAFT, PAP, PAF and all of the other many abbreviations for their untiring work and raise our drinks to many additional years full of inspiring presentations and informative workshops, flipcharts and moderation card, PowerPoint presentations and streaming technologies, heated debates and amusing anecdotes!

The musicians of the Sonic Quartett will provide musical interludes during the show.

With Janina Benduski (Berlin Performing Arts Program), Fatima Çalışkan (Berlin Performing Arts Program ), Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe / Die Linke ), Anne Schneider (director and concept developer), Mey Seifan & Marianne Ramsay Sonneck (LAFT Berlin) and Sonic Quartett

In German spoken language, with interpretation into English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
22. October 2022 - 11:00 - 16:00
Network Event

The Performing for Future - Sustainability Network for the Performing Arts is inviting you to join its second analog networking meeting in Berlin:

since January 2021, this nationwide network has met regularly online in a variety of work groups to exchange about topics of socio-ecological sustainability. The meeting will provide space for networking, for exchanging about the next steps of the network and for creative brainstorming about new actions and activities. Members who are already active are warmly invited as well as all new interested parties.

With Nina Hensel (Performing for Future), Diana Palm (transformation manager for sustainable culture, culture manager, blogger) and additional guest

A cooperation between LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V. as part of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, Performing for Future - Network for Sustainability in the Performing Arts and the Sustainability Project Performing Arts - Performing Future of the Bundesverbands Freie Darstellende Künste e.V., funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, as part of NEUSTART KULTUR using funds from the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

In German spoken language, questions can also be asked in English

Industry Get-Together
22. October 2022 - 12:00 - 15:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

The get-together Your Digital Strategies! invites you to become acquainted with the (post) digital working methods of the independent performing arts community over the course of informal encounters. Artists will open up the black box surrounding their work, reveal methods for workflow and share challenges and inspirations from the interface between theater and (post) digital practice.


The participants are invited to bring their laptops, projects and questioned and to work on approaches for solutions with each other.

With Yvonne Dicketmüller (independent puppeteer and figure builder), the collective Keiken, Georg Werner (programmer and (sound) artist) and additional guests

Moderated by: Susanne Schuster (OutOfTheBox)

In cooperation with the Technologiestiftung Berln and the Networking Conference Breakdown -  Digitale Communities der Freien Szene

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
22. October 2022 - 12:00 - 15:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

On the closing day of the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community, speakers, moderators, visitors and team members will come together with representatives of associations, advocacy groups and unions and reflect upon the two days of the conference that have already passed. What topics have been especially present? What do you we still need to talk about? How can we network with each even more effectively in the longer term and, most of all, what are we working toward?

Over the course of table conversation with an open mic there is the opportunity to provide insights into your own work, no matter whether you are going it alone or as an association, and learn more about the goals, strategies and methods of your colleagues.

Everyone who has always meant to take the time to become a member of an association is as much in the right place here as well as all of those who are already well informed and want to exchange with all of the other active colleagues and make new plans. What will we do next together? Who has the latest cultural policy gossip? And what are we going to talk about next year?

With representatives of the Ensemble Netzwerks (Ensemble Network), Regie-Netzwerks (Directors Network), the model project Fairstage, the Jungen Ensemble Netzwerk (the Young Ensemble Network),  the BFDK, LAFT Berlin, the Bund der Szenografen (the Association of Scenographers), EAIPA (the European Association of the Independent Perforing Arts), Bundesverband für Theater im Öffentlichen Raum (the German Federal Association for Theater in Public Space)

Moderated by: Sarah Stührenberg and Belén Marinato (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

In German and English spoken language

Industry Get-Together
22. October 2022 - 15:00 Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

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