Digital Applications for Producing Democratic Spaces for Discourse and Theater

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
20. October 2022 | 15:00 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

Digital Applications for Producing Democratic Spaces for Discourse and Theater

While analog spaces generally feature countless barriers, a majority of democratic decision-making still takes place inside of them. This thus makes it more difficult for many people to take part in democratic processes. Even if, however, digital spaces carry the promise of greater accessibility with them, many platforms end up disappointing: the services are often complicated and very difficult to use for people with little digital experience or impairments in the areas of mobility, seeing and hearing. We are asking: what impulses exist from other societies as well as from the independent performing arts to make digital democratic spaces conceivable?

Over the course of three brief keynote speeches, innovative approaches from the perspectives of the independent performing arts, digital democracy in the Baltic countries and political science will be presented and then discussed together with the participants.

With Julian Kamphausen & Gloria Schulz (Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten) and additional guests

In German and English spoken language