The Industry Get-Together Audio Archive 2021
The Industry Get-Together Audio Archive 2021
Everyone who was unable to reserve one of the limited spaces to attend the events live, who did not have the time or prefers to join in while underway or at home can click though our audio archive here.
Photos: ©Mathias Völzke
Unfortunately, much of the content is only available in German.
Structural Stream
The questions and demands regarding structural solutions and radical systematic changes are getting louder and louder. At the same time, a desire for rules and regulations persists, as well as the utopian belief in bureaucracy. But how do we, in fact, achieve a fluid, diverse and socially just society with established, fixed rules? We will stream our discourse programming from Acker Stadt Palast every day from October 25 to October 28 as a primary programming focus, using it to thoroughly examine this apparent paradox both in terms of cultural policy as well as conceptually. It will begin every day with a cultural policy panel discussion that will be followed by a keynote speech at lunchtime and close at the end of the afternoon with a dialogue focusing on specific daily topics.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Initially, radicalism and rules seem like opposing forces. Whoever follows the rules can’t be radical and vice versa. Is this really true? To begin our exploration, we have asked ourselves what areas we would like to be radical in and whether rethinking things absolutely has to mean making a break with the existing conditions.
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Antigone Akgün (performer / writer / dramaturg), Sebastian Brünger (Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the German Federal Cultural Foundation) and Gerhild Steinbuch (author), moderated by Mirjam Schaub (philosopher, journalist)

Lunchtime keynote speech by Şeyda Kurt (journalist / writer / curator)

Dialogue between Marietheres Jesse (CHICKS* performance collective) and Anja Kerschkewicz (Frauen und Fiktion)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
So where is it, this much-touted and so-called “new normal”? At the moment it seems to have shifted terribly out of place and fallen into the wrong hands. Rules shape the ways in which we live together, work together and are connected to us each other. This is reason enough to dedicate ourselves to the supposed norm during our investigation and examine it.
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Yvonne Büdenhölzer (direction Theatertreffen Berliner Festspiele), Annett Gröschner (author), Pauline Püschel (Senate Department for Culture and Europe), moderated by Tessa Hartig (culture maker)

Lunchtime keynote speech by Max Czollek (publicist)

Dialogue between Hannah Müller (vt corp.) and Bastian Trost (Gob Squad)

Industry Get-Together Radio Salon I
This year as well, we will be accompanied by the alert eyes and open ears of the radio broadcasters Julia Bonn and Anna-Lena Wenzel. In the first 2021 INDUSTRY GET-TOGETHER RADIO SALON, they will collect voices, ask questions and, at the end, bring everything together into a critical as well as conspiratorial reflection.
Julia Bonn (artist/physical therapist) & Anna-Lena Wenzel (author/artist) with guests.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Rules have the function of avoiding chaos or at least keeping things under control. But does art want to be control and to control? Or is the image of chaotic art in times shaken by catastrophes one that must be urgently questioned? The time has come to ask the crucial question - what is all of this for?
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Rabea Grand (Coordination Artistic Program Gessnerallee), Steffen Klewar (program direction Fonds Darstellende Künste) and Peggy Mädler (author/dramaturge), moderated by Fatima Çalışkan (artist, curator, consultant)

Lunchtime keynote speech by Stefanie Wenner (professor/artist)

Dialogue between Max-Philip Aschenbrenner (artist/dramaturge) and Fabian Lettow (kainkollektiv)

Thursday, Oktober 28, 2021
The form, the formula, the formality - even if it hardly seems possible, we will use this day to bring together people who believe in the utopian power of these three Fs or are working with them on a variety of levels. Form follows function, or is it the other way round?
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Stephan Behrmann (Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin, Special Programs), Christina Hilmer-Benedict (Initiative Berliner Kulturfördergesetz), Heinrich Horwitz (director, actor, choreographer) and Lars Zühlke (administrative director HAU Hebbel am Ufer), moderated by: Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program)

Lunchtime keynote speech by Julian Warner (cultural anthropologist/musician)

Dialogue between Marie Schleef (director) and Christoph Winkler (choreographer)

Friday, October 29, 2021
Industry Get-Together Radio Salon II
This year as well, we will be accompanied by the alert eyes and open ears of the radio broadcasters Julia Bonn and Anna-Lena Wenzel. In the first 2021 INDUSTRY GET-TOGETHER RADIO SALON, they will collect voices, ask questions and, at the end, bring everything together into a critical as well as conspiratorial reflection.
Julia Bonn (artist/physical therapist) & Anna-Lena Wenzel (author/artist) with guests.