Group, Pack, Gang, Bunch? Working in a Team. PART 1/2
Group, Pack, Gang, Bunch? Working in a Team. PART 1/2
Language: German, questions can also be asked in English
Access: This event will take place online, access to it will be provided upon registration.
Please note: 2 Dates. The number of participants is limited.
Group, Pack, Gang, Bunch? What kind of team do we want to be? What forms of communication, decision making and collaborating are there and which ones suit us? What channels do we use to communicate? How are decisions made? Where do I find my team? Who or what defines my role in it?
In preparation for and/or accompanying the artistic praxis of the participants, we will examine artistic communication and collaboration in groups and teams in this workshop. To do so, we will learn different models of communication, team development and collaboration, practice them on the basis of questions brought by the participants and examples from practice and try them out in solution-focused and research-oriented work with ourselves and others - as a preparation for joint artistic processes, decision making and crisis or conflict situations in teamwork.
Please note: There is also the option for in-depth individual advisement for all participants following the workshop.
In order to attend, please send an email by October 15, 2020, at the latest, to: beratung [at] ().
Further Dates:
October 23: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm