Open Call: Delegation Trip to the 2024 Edition of the Próximamente Festival in Brussels

Touring Office
Open Call & Deadline
6. October 2024 | 00:00 -

Open Call: Delegation Trip to the 2024 Edition of the Próximamente Festival in Brussels

Time period of the delegation trip: November 20 to 24, 2024
Duration of the festival: November 18 to 23, 2024

Toda la información se puede encontrar en español aquí.

We are going to the Próximamente Festival in Brussles and are offering four Berlin-based artists and professionals working in the independent performing arts community with the opportunity to join us!

Próximamente, which means something approximating “soon” or “shortly”, embodies not only the anticipation for something that is coming up, but also the proximity and connection that is created through this: like no other festival, Próximamente is a cooperative project, in which a variety of partners and culture makers come together with the shared goal of promoting cultural exchange beween Latin American, Belgium and the EU. It is a platform that celebrates progressive and unique artistic creations. During the two-week residencies and the one-week festival, Próximamente presents a kaleidoscope of performances, workshops and encounters.

The participants will travel to the Próximamente festival from November 20 to 24, 2024, get to know the community and its members and, in coordination with the festival, take part in the schedule of events for visiting industry professionals and additional events.

The travel and accommodation costs as well as individual admission tickets for the performances during the festival will be covered by the Berlin Performing Arts Festival. A detailed schedule of events for the trip will be announced after the registration and selection of the participants.

Have we caught your interest? If so, then we are very much looking forward to your application by October 6, 2024, via email with the subject “Festival Próximamente – Application (first and last name)“ sent to the email address: belen.marinato [at] ().


Who Is This Call Intended For?

All artists, curators, programmers, festival directors and producers who are based in Berlin and who have a sustainable interest in the collaboration with Latin American artists and professionals, e.g. an existing collaboration or a specific interest in starting a project with artists and professionals and/or performance venues in Latin America.

What Should Be Submitted?

For the application, we ask you to please send us your CV as a PDF file (in German or in English, without a photo, maximum 1 page in DIN A4 format) as well as a statement of motivation. In your statements of motivation, please answer the following questions:

  • Why do I want to take part in the Próximamente festival and/or why is attending this festival useful for my work?
  • How can colleagues from Belgium profit from my presence and/or from my professional knowledge?
  • What contacts do I already have in Latin America or to members of the Latin American independent performing arts communities? If there are cooperations that already exist, we ask you to please describe them in detail.


The statement of motivation can be submitted in the form of a text, video or audio file. In doing, the following length and format guidelines apply:

  • Text: max. 5,000 characters (including blank spaces) as a.pdf file
  • Audio: 1 to 2 minutes in length, as a .mp3 or .wav file
  • Video: 1 to 2 minutes in length, as a .mp4 or. mov file (please refrain from showing your own face)

Please take care if you choose to submit an audio or video option that the requested file format (mp3, wav, mp4, mov) must be complied with. Files in other formats will unfortunately not be able to be considered. The submission of a portfolio with selected works is optional.


Important Notes:

  • Those who would like to travel on the trip must be able to be there for the entire duration of the delegation trip (November 20 to 24, 2024). A shorter period of participation will be only be considered in cases where there are very compelling reasons.
  • An extension of the stay at the cost of the participant is possible. Any additional accommodations and airline or train tickets must, however, be organized and paid for by the participants themselves.
  • The majority of the activities taking place during the third edition of Próximamente will be conducted in Spanish and Portuñol (Spanish/Portuguese). There will only be translations or formats that are conducted completely in English in individual cases. Language skills in Spanish and Portuñol are not a mandatory requirement, but are strongly recommended for the application.

Our goals is to present the societal diversity in our structures. As a result, we expressly invite representatives of marginalized perspectives to apply.
The selection is currently planned to be announced in the first week of October.


About the Próximamente Festival


Próximamente is a platform and a festival that takes place every two years for the Latin American performing arts in connection with Europe and the European audience. It was created in 2019 as a consolidation of a variety of organization and culture makers from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile in dialogue with the KVS.

The schedule of programming presents a vibrant spectrum of works by artists from Latin American and from the diaspora. For the 3rd edition, artistic works from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Brussels will be able to be seen: this is an open meeting that gives the visitors the opportunity to interact with the voices of the ancestors and the present.



It is possible to register to take part in our online office hour for Q&A to answer any questions you may have regarding the trip and the application process:

September 19, 2024, 10:00 am to 11:00 am

In order to take part, please send an email to: belen.marinato [at]