Strategies Within the Artistic Working Process

Information Center
Workshops & Seminars
16. March 2017 | 16:00
Mediathek im mimecentrum, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Strategies Within the Artistic Working Process

Workshop with Eva Hartmann

One encounters a great deal of questions during the creation, conceptualization and planning of a new artistic project.
On the basis of theoretical underpinnings, reports of individual experiences and discussion, the workshop is dedicated to the following questions:
How do I create an authentic concept? How do I manage to continuously pose new challenges to myself as an artist and open new horizons for myself?
How do I handle doubts during the artistic process of creation?
How do I motivate myself?
What are my artistic working and communication processes and how can I adapt myself to ever-changing circumstances?