Symposium 2016: Collaborations und Coproductions


Symposium 2016: Collaborations und Coproductions

Within the framework of the first Performing Arts Festival, the LAFT Berlin Performing Arts Program will host a symposium for the industry professionals attending the festival and all other interested parties dealing with the topic of collaborations and co-productions.

An increasing number of artists find themselves working in collaborative structures which often grow successfully for decades. Co-productions between artists working in the performing arts and other industries and institutions are also increasingly present in the world of dance, theater and performance.

The goal of this symposium is to observe these developments, come to terms with them, develop joint strategies as well as to discuss them.


10:30 am

11:00 am

  • Welcome address by the Agora Collective
  • Welcome address by the board of LAFT - Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin
  • Introduction by Julian Kamphausen
  • Dr. Nishant Shah (Leuphana University) speaks about “Collective Commons” (in English).

11:45 am
Parallel table conversations regarding collaborative and co-producing networks:

  1. Aenne Quinones (HAU - Hebbel am Ufer) for the Produktionshäuserverbund (association of production houses)
  2. Marie Bues (Theater Rampe) and Michael Müller (Theaterdiscounter) for the Spielstättennetzwerk (network of performance venues) 
  3. Mareike Urfels (theater wrede+) for the flausen network
  4. Maike Tödter (Zwei Eulen) for the network Gastfreundschaften
  5. the Netzwerk freier Festivals (network of independent festivals)

1:00 pm
Shared lunch

2:00 pm
Martin Grünheit (cobratheater.cobra) speaks about his experiences in collective theater making.

2:10 pm
Sebastian Brünger (Kulturstiftung des Bundes [German Federal Cultural Foundation) presents the experiences regarding cooperations in the Doppelpass program.

2:20 pm
Janina Benduski (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste [German Federal Association of the Independent Performing Arts]) examines the ability of envisioning associations as collaborative networks using the Bundesverbands Freie Darstellende Künste as a model.

2:30 pm
Friederike Landau (Technical University of Berlin) presents her qualitative study comparing collaborative production forms in the independent performing arts.

This will be followed by a get-together.

Beginning around 3:00 pm 
the ITI (International Theater Institute) will provide information about the funding program for international co-productions “Szenenwechsel” and the platform “touring artists” and the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste will provide information about the funding program “Tanz und Theater machen stark”.