Write Yourself - Working on the Artist Biography

Information Center
17. February 2023 | 11:00 -

Write Yourself - Working on the Artist Biography

Two-day workshop
February 17 and 22, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

With Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)

How do I define myself as an artist? What paths have I already gone down and what drives and motivates me today? How do I want to establish and present myself artistically in the future? In this workshop we will concentrate on our artist biographies in order to understand our goals better and to sharpen our profiles for our audience and our funders. The participants are invited to reflect upon their profile and to further develop their own artistic handwriting.
In addition, we would like to take a look at how we can emancipate our work from external criteria for success and develop a fulfilling career and be able to position ourselves self-confidently within the theater market.

In German spoken language.

Register by February 10 to:
beratung [at] pap-berlin.de