Un/gleich/zeitig – Annual Conference of the Berlin Performing Arts Program 2024

18. November 2024 - 20. November 2024

Un/gleich/zeitig – Annual Conference of the Berlin Performing Arts Program 2024

November 18 to 20, 2024
at TD Berlin
Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

With the annual conference Un/gleich/zeitig, we are dedicating ourselves to the exciting field of visibility, presence and long-term effects of the independent performing arts during times of several simultaneous crises. The role of art and culture will be reflected upon over three days: as spaces for discourses and resonance, the arts offer the possibility to reach many people as well to exercise some influence over the course of sociopolitical developments. While one can dispute the height of the degree of societal responsibility that the arts have – the balancing act between engagement and collection, between purposelessness, autonomy and societal irrelevance is not an easy one.

Over the course of panel discussions, round table discussions and presentation, the conditions for the visibility and effectiveness of the (independent) arts will be discussed. In doing so, we will examine, amongst other topics, jury and selection processes, the collaboration between art and civic society, working in “exile”, matters of real estate policy, effective campaign work, methods for audience research as well as for community work at eye level. In addition, cultural policy strategies for the metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg will be discussed, plans for a law mandating the promotion of culture in Berlin (Kulturfördergesetz) will be discussed, the shift to the right in Europe and its consequences will be examined, as will the coming budget cuts and their effects.

Throughout an open stage format, uncurated voices from the community will become visible and audible. Numerous networking and conversation opportunities provide an invitation to share knowledge amongst each other, strengthen alliances as well as to discuss new projects.

With Contributions by:

Ashkan Afsharian (choreographer, co-leadership Tanzpol Festival), Mustafa Akça (Komische Oper Berlin), Nora Amin (writer, performer, choreographer, theatre director), Chiara Baudino (C.Re.S.Co., Italy), Wibke Behrens (berufsverband bildender künstler und künstlerinnen – bbk berlin, the Berlin Cultural Conference), Gerlinde Bendzuck (Institut für Kultur-Markt-Forschung, IKMF, Arbeitsausschuss Deutscher Behindertenrat), Laura Böttinger (Dance On Participation – Mediation Projects for Seniors), Judith Brückmann (Berlin Bühnen), Daniel Brunet (Koalition der Freien Szene), Fatima Çalışkan (curator, writer, moderator), Leyla Ercan (cultural manager and advisor), Dirk Förster (Kulturraum gGmbH), Franziska Görlitz (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, Gegen RechtsSchutz), Katharina Haverich (performance and media artist), Modjgan Hashemian (dancer, choreographer), Haya El Khoury (social designer), Laura Kleinwort (Ballhaus Prinzenallee), Isa Köhler (internationale tanzmesse nrw), Ulrike Kuner (General Manager eaipa – European Association of Independent Performing Arts), För Künkel (scenographer and costume designer), Inky Lee (artist, author), Eva Lenhardt (NRW Kultur International), Julia Leser (Network Halt!ung), Lara-Sophie Milagro (actor, director), Klaas Müller (Verfassungsblog gGmbH, Gegen RechtsSchutz), Martin Naundorf (curator, Festival OSTEN), Dr. Oliver Tewes-Schünzel (Institut für Kulturelle Teilhabeforschung | IKTf, Institute for Research on Cultural Participation), Dávid Paška (director, playwright, Slovakia), Stefan Prohorov (ACT association for independent theatre, Bulgaria), Kristina Rahe (Bundesverband Soziokultur, the German Federal Association for Sociocultural Projects), Moritz von Rappard (Cultural Policy Association) Georg Scharegg (TD Berlin), Harry Sachs (Haus der Statistik, Zusammenkunft Berlin eG), Sonja Schaudt (the Berlin Cultural Conference), Claudia Schmitz (Deutscher Bühnenverein, the German Stage Association), Anne-Cécile Sibué (Office National de Diffusion Artistique ONDA), Nora Schneider (Festivalfriends), Severin Schwalb (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung), Lisa Siomicheva (artist, curator, project manager), Susanne Schuster (OutOfTheBox), Anne-Cécile Sibué (Office National de Diffusion Artistique ONDA), Anna Stiede (artist, political scientist), Franziska Stoff (Landesmusikrat Berlin, the Berlin Cultural Conference), Sabine Marie Willig (IG Jazz Berlin), Milan Vračar (Association Kulturanova, Serbia), Lars Zühlke (Bündnis Internationaler Produktionshäuser), the Cultural Policy Association of Berlin-Brandenburg and many other guests.


A summary of each conference day can be found here:

November 18, 2024
November 19, 2024
November 20, 2024

The respective program items can be viewed below:

6. November 2024 - 00:00 - 00:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Open Call & Deadline

We are opening up our stage! Building upon the conference’s topic of (non)simultaneous and the interplay of the visibility and effectiveness of the independent performing arts, we are warmly inviting everyone to share their own questions, perspectives and suggestions for solutions. Presentations, lecture performances, readings… a variety of different, uncurated voices of the independent performing arts community will be heard over the course of 5- to 10-minute contributions. Seven slots will be awarded by random drawing. These will provide space, for example, to share questions about the topics of the conference, positions on current developments, suggestions for colleagues or invitations for the next action.

We are looking for your contributions by November 6!


General Conditions of the Open Stage

The contributions will be selected in advance via a random drawing. In order to register to take part in the drawing, please send us the names of all participants, the title and a short description (max 2 pages, font size 12, possible languages: German, English, French) including technical needs (video, sound - see below) by November 6, 2024 to openstage [at] pap-berlin.de.

On November 7, all of the applications that have been received will be looked at and initially checked for feasibility. If they are realizable under the conditions we have named, they will be entered into the random drawing. We will then inform the applicants on November 8.

Contributions in all languages can be submitted. We do, however, want to inform you that, at this point in time, we cannot unfortunately guarantee that we can provide interpreters.

Technical needs
Two microphones are available. There will be the opportunity to project video or image material or to play audio recordings. Unfortunately, there will not be the opportunity to have a rehearsal. A simple sound and tech check will be conducted by the conference time before the beginning of the event. Basic lighting will be provided for the format.

We will pay a fee of € 150.00 net for the selected contributions and their presentation.

If you have any questions, you can reach us via openstage [at] pap-berlin.de or contact us by phone: +49 (0)30/ 20 45 979 14.

18. November 2024 - 11:00 - 12:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

The morning will be used to arrive and get ready for the conference. Full calendars, ringing telephones and overstuffed mailboxes will be turned over at the coat check. Over coffee and a small breakfast, we will get into the mood for the next days of the conference together. Using a speed dating format, the attendees of the conference will get to know each other as well as the event team. In addition, there will be time to take another look over the schedule of events in peace and to get a sense of orientation on-site.

In German and English spoken language.


With YAWI You Are Warmly Invited.

18. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

We really need to talk. The three-day conference kicks off with words of welcome and some insight into the schedule of events. Following this, three opening presentations will consider current societal and political developments as well as the concept of “non-simultaneity” in relationship to current debates. In doing so, the role of art and culture will be examined and the democratic potential of (independent) performing arts will be reflected upon.

After this, the participants will be able to enter into conversation with each other informally during a light lunch reception before they head off into different spaces at TD Berlin to get more in-depth on specific topics.

In German spoken language.

With Anke Politz (association's board of LAFT Berlin – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V.), Georg Scharegg (TD Berlin), Sarah Stührenberg (Berlin Performing Arts Program) and presentations by Modjgan Hashemian (dancer, choreographer) and Anna Stiede (artist)

18. November 2024 - 14:00 - 16:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Round Table

The visibility of artistic work is strongly dependent to a massive degree upon the curators and juries who make the decisions regarding funding applications, stipends and spaces. While these positions are, on the one hand, connected with power, they also bring a curatorial responsibility with them as well as the challenge of making the right decisions.

In this discussion format, experts in working as jurors, curators and artists enter into conversations with the participants. A variety of different models of jury and selection processes will be taken into consideration and the moments of chaos will be reflected upon: from the individual decisions made by people acting alone to collective leadership models and juries all the way to special models like the jury of Vienna’s independent performing arts community – how are informed, well-considered and responsible decisions made today? How is criticism dealt with? And how do things look in terms of the independence of artistic leadership and juries from political developments?

In German spoken language.


With Susanne Stephani (Hamburg University of Music and Theatre), Ulrike Kuner (General Manager eaipa – European Association of Independent Performing Arts), Martin Naundorf (curator, Festival OSTEN), Modjgan Hashemian (dancer, choreographer) and Eliza Posny (Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion)

Moderation: Fatima Çalışkan (artist, moderator, author)

Fatima Çalışkan is a moderator, curator, author and performance artist whose work focuses on cultural policy in Germany, in the independent performing arts, theater, literature and funding policy.

18. November 2024 - 14:00 - 16:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Round Table

Who do the digital stages belong to? Social media networks, search engines, games, online platforms – the majority of digital spaces are dominated by large digital companies. For many years, however, more and more artists have acquired digital skills and tools in order to be able to jointly shape digital realities. They have developed their own software and hardware applications, designed virtual platforms, adapted digital narrative strategies and have explored the subversive potential of digital communication methods. In light of global radicalization processes and the increasing use of digital spaces by rightwing populist actors, it is even more relevant to share artistic knowledge and strategies for digital self-empowerment.

In this round table discussion, experts within the (post)digital performing arts and the political gaming community will provide insights into their work over the course of brief keynote presentations. After this, they will enter into conversation with the participants: what challenges do artists encounter in digital spaces? What subversive potential exists in the artistic examination of TikTok, social virtual reality or games? How can (post)digital artists remain visible in light of the shrinking funding resources?

After this, the synergies existing in the Berlin will be bundled: together with Susanne Schuster from the media and performance group OutOfTheBox, there is the opportunity to found the work group (Post)Digitalism as Artistic Practice. This work group has the goal of addressing the challenges of artists working (post)-digitally, sharing knowledge and developing joint strategies for a sustainable and long-term strengthening of the (post)digital independent performing arts. More information about the initial ideas and about a planned launch meeting will be shared during the event with everyone who is interested.

In German and English spoken language.

With Katharina Haverich (performance and media artist), Caspar Weimann (onlinetheater.live) and Severin Schwalb (Good Gaming – Well Played Democracy, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung)

Moderation: Susanne Schuster (OutOfTheBox)

Susanne Schuster has worked in the independent performing arts at the intersection of digital and performative art as a dramaturg and curator since 2014. Together with Ricardo Gehn, she is the artistic director of the media and performance group OutOfTheBox.

18. November 2014 - 14:00 - 16:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Round Table

Already in June of this year, the Berlin Performing Arts Program sought out discourse with civil society initiatives who have actively engaged themselves against rightwing extremism and for a plural and democratic society. An important exchange with members of the independent performing arts community took place which will now be continued within this conference.

Representatives of important structures as well as politically and socially engaged artists from Berlin and Brandenburg will share their most difficult tasks and discuss them with attendees of the conference. In doing so, they will issue an invitation to reflect together upon what a closer collaboration between culture and civil society could look like and which strategies could be developed against growing rightwing extremism.

In German spoken language and potentially multilingual.


With Anna Stiede (performance artist, political scientist), Klaas Müller (Verfassungsblog gGmbH, Gegen RechtsSchutz), Franziska Görlitz (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, Gegen RechtsSchutz) and Julia Leser (Netzwork Halt!ung)

Moderation: För Künkel (scenographer, costume designer )

För Kunkel works as a scenographer and costume designer and conducts research on the performing arts in archives. She is politically engaged in a variety of artistic and civic society initiatives.

18. November 2024 - 16:30 - 18:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Many answers meet the many questions: over the course of this two-hour open format, the participants have the opportunity to enter into light conversation with representatives of a variety of advisement and further education programs. These will provide insight into the focuses of their work, give information about the opportunities they provide and the conditions as well as about especially popular further education formats. The participants are free to come and go at any time, ask repeatedly for further clarification or to linger over a coffee and browser through the information materials.

In German and English spoken language.


With touring artists, Kreativ Kultur Berlin, Music Pool Berlin, schreiben & leben (Lettrétage e.V.), bildungswerk - bbk berlin, Tanzbüro Berlin and WeTek Berlin gGmbH

18. November 2024 - 16:30 - 17:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Experts from the Information Center will provide one-hour advisement sessions for questions pertaining to producing within the independent performing arts community as well as about working independently as an artistic freelancer. The advisement sessions are intended for newcomers, transnational artists, or established members of the community alike and can be offered in either German or in English.

Those who are interested are asked to sign up by sending an email to beratung [at] pap-berlin.de and briefly outlining their questions, and please note that the registration is binding. 

In German and English spoken language


With Kai Schubert (director, author)

18. November 2024 - 17:30 - 18:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Experts from the Information Center will provide one-hour advisement sessions for questions pertaining to producing within the independent performing arts community as well as about working independently as an artistic freelancer. The advisement sessions are intended for newcomers, transnational artists, or established members of the community alike and can be offered in either German or in English.

Those who are interested are asked to sign up by sending an email to beratung [at] pap-berlin.de and briefly outlining their questions, and please note that the registration is binding. 

In German and English spoken language


With Kai Schubert (director, author)

19. November 2024 - 10:00 - 11:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Experts from the Information Center will provide one-hour advisement sessions for questions pertaining to producing within the independent performing arts community as well as about working independently as an artistic freelancer. The advisement sessions are intended for newcomers, transnational artists, or established members of the community alike and can be offered in either German or in English.

Those who are interested are asked to sign up by sending an email to beratung [at] pap-berlin.de and briefly outlining their questions, and please note that the registration is binding. 

In German and English spoken language.


With Therese Schmidt (director, author)

18. November 2024 - 16:30 - 18:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

In-depth knowledge regarding the status quo of cultural participation is one of the central foundations for the development of effective cultural participation strategies. In order to find out whether and to what extent people use cultural locations and opportunities, the motives behind this and the possible barriers can be uncovered through the use of surveys and evaluations. Dr. Oliver Tewes-Schünzel (Institut für Kulturelle Teilhabeforschung | IKTf, the Institute for Research on Cultural Participation) will provide an overview of socio-demographic influential factors on cultural participation on the basis of the current study Cultural Participation in Berlin in 2023. Is Everything Back to Normal? Cultural Attendance and Artistic-Creative Recreational Activities Following COVID-19.

Following this, there will be a panel discussion concerning cultural institutions as spaces for dialogue and locations for cultural participation. In order to become a place for public meetings, discussions and exchanges, cultural institutions should actively seek dialogue and collaboration with civil society.  Is it sufficient, however, to simply open up the doors and wait for people to come in? What strategies are necessary to actually open up the space and ensure that a real exchange with the neighborhood and communities can take place?

The panelists will discuss how the participation opportunities for the civil society can be increased and how the potential of community work and outreach projects in the independent performing arts can be used more intensely.

In German spoken language.


With Dr. Oliver Tewes-Schünzel (Institut für Kulturelle Teilhabeforschung | IKTf) , Mustafa Akça (Komische Oper), Kristina Rahe (Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V., the German Federal Association for Sociocultural Projects) and Laura Böttinger (Dance On Participation - practice projects for Senior Citizens)

Moderation: Leyla Ercan (cultural manager and advisor)

Leyla Ercan is a cultural manager and advisor and is specialized in diversity development, inclusion and critical cultural practices. The focus of her work is placed on opening and change processes as well as empowerment for women of color.

19. November 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Podium Discussion

The independent performing arts community reacts quickly and flexibly to the most diverse development but is now facing a tremendous challenge, amongst many other challenges: the cultural sector is stagnating between additional needs and a spending freeze. Contracts that have been concluded for 2025 are endangered and contract acquisition is at a standstill. Instead of conducting artistic work, days of action and campaigns are being organized, budgets are being pored over and resumes are being updated for emergencies. The existence of Berlin’s cultural landscape and the people who work within it is at extreme risk. At the same time, the expectations for culture to promote societal cohesion and to strengthen Berlin’s cultural economy are growing – clearly disproportionally with regard to the resources that have been provided.

Over the course of this panel discussion, the board of the Berliner Kulturkonferenz and experts will discuss how the (independent) arts can meet this (cultural) policy demand more effectively in the future, the extent to which it can take on this role and which measures are necessary on the part of the politicians in order to effectively safeguard art and culture.

In German spoken language.


With Wibke Behrens (berufsverband bildender künstler und künstlerinnen – bbk berlin, Berlin Cultural Conference), Janina Benduski (LAFT Berlin – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V., Berlin Cultural Conference), Franziska Stoff (Landesmusikrat Berlin, Berlin Cultural Conference), Melanie Kühnemann-Grunow (Member of the State Parliament, SPD Spokesperson for Culture and Media) and Dr. Robbin Juhnke (Member of the State Parliament, CDU Spokesperson for Culture).

Conceived in cooperation with the Cultural Policy Society Berlin-Brandenburg and the speakers Cerstin Gerecht, Moritz von Rappard, Sarah Zalfen, and Wibke Behrens.

19. November 2024 - 11:00 - 12:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Experts from the Information Center will provide one-hour advisement sessions for questions pertaining to producing within the independent performing arts community as well as about working independently as an artistic freelancer. The advisement sessions are intended for newcomers, transnational artists, or established members of the community alike and can be offered in either German or in English.

Those who are interested are asked to sign up by sending an email to beratung [at] pap-berlin.de and briefly outlining their questions, and please note that the registration is binding. 

In German and English spoken language.


With Therese Schmidt (director, author)

19. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Experts from the Information Center will provide one-hour advisement sessions for questions pertaining to producing within the independent performing arts community as well as about working independently as an artistic freelancer. The advisement sessions are intended for newcomers, transnational artists, or established members of the community alike and can be offered in either German or in English.

Those who are interested are asked to sign up by sending an email to beratung [at] pap-berlin.de and briefly outlining their questions, and please note that the registration is binding. 

In German and English spoken language.


With Therese Schmidt (director, author)

19. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

Austerity programs and a political shift to the right in multiple countries in Europe are having a palpable effect on the cultural landscape. As happens so often, the independent performing arts community is being used as a plaything for a variety of (financial) political decisions as it is not anchored on a legal or structural basis. The community lives on the allocations that are negotiated and planned anew from year to year in the respective culture budgets – or not.

In some countries, the larger cultural institutions are also not escaping unscathed. Art and culture are intended to follow and support the new political program – and, as a result, institutional leadership has already been replaced in Slovakia and funding programs have been converted in Hungary. We have invited representatives from our European neighbor countries in order to have a shared discussion about this: how is the shift to the right specifically affecting art and culture? How can we expand and strengthen our solidarity amongst other? And what can we specifically learn from each other?

We will begin the discussion with an overview presentation by Thomas F. Eder, which will shed some light on the mechanisms of repression, especially as used against the independent performing arts community. Why are some artists being put under pressure so intensely at the moment – why are they so interesting right now to the new holders of power?

In English spoken language.


With Chiara Baudino (Cordinamento delle Realtà Scena Contemporanea – C. Re. S. Co. Italy), Stefan Prohorov (ACT association for independent theatre, Bulgaria), Milan Vračar (Association Kulturanova, Serbia), Dávid Paška (director, Slovakia) and Isa Köhler (internationale tanzmesse nrw, requested).

Moderation: Ulrike Kuner (General Manager, EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts)

Ulrike Kuner has been the managing director of IG Freie Theaterarbeit in Vienna sine 2017, in 2018 she became President of the European Association for the Independent Performing Arts (EAIPA) and has been General Manager of EAIPA since 2024. Her primary interests are cultural policy advocacy work, the changes to the framework conditions for artistic work and the transfer of knowledge in the field of art and culture

Conceived in cooperation with EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts.

19. November 2024 - 14:00 - 15:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Round Table

Many people dream of working in the performing arts, but not everyone even makes it as far as studying or training. Some fail due to numerus clausus, others due to a lack of accessible spaces, course schedules that are too full, a lack of multilingualism, insufficient caregiving options to negotiate studying while having a child or simply due to a lack of advisement opportunities. One a place to study has finally been arranged, the question remains: how well does a course of study prepare you for the realities of the (independent) professional life? How can one gain some insight into the community (or communities), find artistic accomplices as well as potential employers? 

The Junge Ensemble Netzwerk, Claudia Schmitz from the Deutsche Bühnenverein and additional guests will discuss, together with the attendees of the conference, which points of access simplify things and how educational paths can be improved.  

In German spoken language.


With Zoe Celine Krüger and Samuel Kastell (Junges Ensemble Netzwerk), Claudia Schmitz (Executive Director, Deutscher Bühnenverein, the German Stage Association), Christiane Kretschmer (Information Center of the Berlin Performing Arts Program).

Moderation: Ilka Rümke (ehrliche arbeit)

Ilka Rümke works as a freelance cultural manager and dance educator, amongst other projects as a team member of the production management company ehrliche arbeit.

19. November 2024 - 14:00 - 15:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

We often speak of artists and culture makers in exile. But what forms of exile do we mean and are these comparable with each other? Can the different factions even be brought together at the same table? And, most of all: who deems something to be exile? What consequences result from this designation and how does it influence the working practice of transnational artists and culture makers? Is the term “exile” necessary in order to make the perspectives of artists visible through the corresponding funding programs and festivals? Or does it lead to them being limited to the representation of their experience as exiles? And, since things are always also about money: how accessible are the resources for transnational artists and culture makers who found themselves arriving in Germany? How sustainable are “start-up” funding programs and what happens when they expire? Which alternatives and strategies are there besides those forms of support by the state in order to begin anew in Berlin as an artist or culture maker?

In this fishbowl format, experts with and without exile experience will come together and enter into conversation with each other as well as with the guests of the conference. They will reflect upon the focal points named above as well as additional questions dealing with external ascriptions of identity and self-identity, funding opportunities and the visibility of artistic perspectives.

In English spoken language, simultaneous translation into German spoken language.


With Nora Amin (writer, performer, choreographer, theatre director), Inky Lee (artist, writer), Ashkan Afsharian (choreographer, co-leadership Tanzpol Festival), Haya El Khoury (social designer)

Moderation: Lisa Siomicheva (artist, curator, cultural manager)

Lisa Siomicheva is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, cultural manager and journalist. Her topics are documentary art, social change, diversity and migration as well as the promotion of all forms of equality through artistic work.

19. November 2024 - 14:00 - 17:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

An important foundation for the relationship between artists and a diverse civil society are functioning and accessible presentation venues. These include producing institutions, performance venues, ensemble and repertory theater, circus tents, container buildings, marketplaces, the facades of high-rise buildings, churches, youth centers, project spaces or self-constructed boats on the Spree river. Without the diverse opportunities to present work, to view work and to participate within it, things would be very, very quiet in Berlin. Appropriate, accessible spaces for art and culture are, however, not only limited; they continue to disappear.

In this interactive format, the participants will take action with each other in four work groups following brief keynote presentations. To begin with, representatives of producing institutions, performance venues and model projects will provide some insight into their current challenges: what would they like to expand upon and change? What challenges are they encountering and which paths toward solutions have they already explored and taken? Following this, the expert will reflect together with the visitors upon how our cultural spaces can be strengthened and which real estate and cultural policy strategies have to be developed.

In German spoken language.


With Georg Scharegg (TD Berlin), Harry Sachs (Haus der Statistik), Daniel Brunet (Koalition der Freien Szene), Lars Zühlke (Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser), der Initiative StadtNeudenken (angefragt), Dirk Förster (Kulturraum gGmbH) and Sonja Schaudt (Berliner Kulturkonferenz)

Moderation: Moritz von Rappard (Cultural Policy Association)

Moritz von Rappard works, amongst other practices, as a curator, moderator and mediator and engages intensely with the topics of diversity development as well as the opening up of and participation within cultural institutions. He has been active in Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft in the team of speakers of the regional group of Berlin-Brandenburg since 2021.

Conceived in cooperation with the Cultural Policy Society Berlin-Brandenburg and the speakers Cerstin Gerecht, Moritz von Rappard, Sarah Zalfen, and Wibke Behrens.

19. November 2024 - 16:00 - 17:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Der Austausch über transnationales Arbeiten wird in Tischgesprächen fortgeführt: Welche Hürden erfahren transnationale Künstler*innen beim Ankommen in Berlin und Deutschland? Welche Hilfen, Programme und Netzwerke gibt es für sie? In diesem Format laden Vertreter*innen verschiedener Unterstützungsnetzwerke und Beratungsinitiativen die Teilnehmenden ein, sich in Tischgesprächen über ihre konkreten Fragen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Dabei können mögliche Strategien zur Realisierung künstlerischer Projekte ebenso besprochen werden wie der Umgang mit bürokratischen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen, denen transnationale Akteur*innen begegnen. Im Anschluss an die einstündigen Tischgespräche sind die Teilnehmenden zur informellen Vernetzung untereinander und mit den Referent*innen eingeladen.

In englischer Lautsprache, Q&A in deutscher und ggf. weiteren Lautsprachen.


Mit der Beratungsstelle des Performing Arts Programm, Touring Artist, Goethe Institut im Exil, Artists at Risk (angefragt)

Moderation: Belén Marinato & Christin Eckart (Performing Arts Programm Berlin)

19. November 2024 - 16:00 - 17:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Round Table

You’ve finally got your degree in your pocket, often secured with a great deal effort – but how do you get started working in your profession now? Within independent theater structures, classical application strategies are usually out of place. Do I need a website and a portfolio? How many times do I need to make small talk at premiere parties to finally achieve my breakthrough? Do I even have access to events like that in the first place? And where do auditions for the independent performing arts community take place, anyway? Where can I receive advisement and what opportunities are missing?

Experts from the independent performing arts community and beyond will discuss obstacles and embarrassing moment and share their knowledge, for example, about models that can make it easier to find your footing and get started.

In German spoken language.


With Mariann Yar (Berliner Ringtheater), Jones Seitz (Gefährliche Arbeit), Juli Reinartz (Making a Difference), Lena Kollender (Sophiensaele) and Christiane Kretschmer (Information Center of the Berlin Performing Arts Program)

Moderation: Ilka Rümke (ehrliche arbeit)

Ilka Rümke works as a freelance cultural manager and dance educator, amongst other projects as a team member of the production management company ehrliche arbeit.

19. November 2024 - 18:30 - 20:00 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

We are opening up our stage! Building upon the conference’s topic of (non)simultaneous and the interplay of the visibility and effectiveness of the independent performing arts, we are warmly inviting everyone to share their own questions, perspectives and suggestions for solutions. Presentations, lecture performances, readings… a variety of different, uncurated voices of the independent performing arts community will be heard over the course of 5- to 10-minute contributions. Seven slots will be awarded by random drawing. These will provide space, for example, to share questions about the topics of the conference, positions on current developments, suggestions for colleagues or invitations for the next action.

Moderation in German and English spoken language, contributions possibly multilingual.


Moderation: Lara-Sophie Milagro (actress, director)

20. November 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Podium Discussion

How do people learn about what the diverse cultural landscape in Berlin has to offer? Culture campaigns, from catchy posters all the way to topic-specific programming calendars, provide practical answers and create visibility in many parts of society. With Spielraum - the 2024 Berlin Days of the Independent Performing Arts Community, we, the Berlin Performing Arts Program, coordinated a joint community-wide campaign with a focus on the topic of community work for the first time. The BerlinIstKultur campaign which started in October has impressively demonstrated the relevance of Berlin’s cultural landscape and the danger it faces and Jazzwoche Berlin celebrated its sixth anniversary this year, this time under the title sichtbarkeit_visibility!

Together with the online portal Berlin Bühnen and Ballhaus Prinzenallee, which has mastered a large transformation process using clever PR work, representatives of campaigns will discuss the strategies and pitfalls of campaign work as well as what can be successful in achieving the jump to talking about content from the attention economy.

In German spoken language.


With Judith Brückmann (Berlin Bühnen), Philipp Harpain (GRIPS Theater, #BerlinIstKultur), Laura Kleinwort (Ballhaus Prinzenallee), Linus Lutz (Berlin Performing Arts Program) and Sabine Marie Willig (IG Jazz Berlin)

Moderation: Björn Frers (director of communications, PR)

Björn Frers accompanies the independent performing arts community in press and PR work – in the past with his agency björn & björn and in the projects of LAFT Berlin. He has worked as the director of communications for Fonds Darstellende Künste since 2020.

20. November 2024 - 12:00 - 12:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Presentation & Discussion

There are a whole lot of things going on in Berlin and it is easy to lose the general overview: press releases, reports on television, newspaper articles, cultural policy committees, radio broadcasts, podcasts, conversations in hallways and countless meetings…it certainly is not easy to track and take in all of the information, process it and then filter it. Many associations and networks in Berlin have been doing this work quite some time and provide information to their members and allies using newsletters, general assemblies and other methods.
In order to bundle this knowledge, amongst other goals, the largest alliance of cultural associations in Berlin was founded in 2023: the Berliner Kulturkonferenz. Currently featuring 19 members in various artistic and cultural fields, the Kulturkonferenz has united a multitude of the most important voices in Berlin shortly after its founding. Alongside the elaboration of a law mandating the promotion of culture or, in German, a Kulturfördergesetz, it has dedicated itself to the countless current tasks involved in Berlin’s cultural policy – from ecological and social sustainability to stable and organized participation in urban development processes.

In the presentation, the Berliner Kulturkonferenz will provide insights into the tasks and challenges – and with this, also provide an overview of the current state of cultural policy with regards to (independent) arts and culture in Berlin.

In German spoken language.


With Wibke Behrens (berufsverband bildender künstler und künstlerinnen – bbk berlin, Berliner Kulturkonferenz), Janina Benduski (LAFT Berlin – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V., Berliner Kulturkonferenz) and Franziska Stoff (Landesmusikrat Berlin, Berliner Kulturkonferenz)

Conceived in cooperation with the Cultural Policy Society Berlin-Brandenburg and the speakers Cerstin Gerecht, Moritz von Rappard, Sarah Zalfen, and Wibke Behrens.

20. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

Alongside the artistic events for a broad audience, many event locations and festivals also organize special formats for visiting industry professionals. Networking events, rounds of discussion or meet & greets – these all support discussion with each other as well as with the participating artists. Together with the Office National de Diffusion Artistique, ONDA (Paris, France), the NRW KULTURsekretariat  (North Rhine-Westphalia) and the network Festivalfriends (all throughout Germany), we will discuss how continuous networking can sustainably support the distribution and thus the visibility of the performing arts.

ONDA supports the distribution of contemporary French and international performing arts in France through information, professional knowledge, networking as well as through financial support.

The international visitors program of the NRW KULTURsekretariat strengthens the international visibility of the cultural community of North Rhine-Westphalia. It networks people working in the fields of cultural journalism, cultural education, cultural policy as well as the leaders of institutions, festival organizers, curators and other amplifiers from around the world with the community in NRW.

Festivalfriends supports the exchange and synergies between twelve different festivals of the independent performing arts community in Germany.

Anne-Cécile Sibué, Eva Lenhardt and Nora Schneider will provide brief insights into their work with short presentations and then discuss with the audience: What should a program for visiting industry professionals look like in order to effectively strengthen the visibility of the independent arts? In addition, the Berlin Performing Arts Program will present its new open call for the support and invitation of curators, programmers & amplifiers.

In English spoken language.


With Anne-Cécile Sibué (Office National de Diffusion Artistique ONDA), Eva Lenhardt (NRW KULTURsekretariat), Nora Schneider (Festivalfriends) and Catherine Launey and Belén Marinato (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

Moderation: Godlive Lawani (founder and director of Stane Performing Arts Management)

Godlive Lawani is the founder and director of Stane Performing Arts Management - she is an organizer of cultural events, distributor, manager, producer, tour manager and freelance dancer and performer based in Berlin.

20. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin

We deepen our knowledge of audience research, visitor surveys, and community work methods: experts from the fields of research, outreach and performance venues will provide an overview of their working methods and their practical application over the course of brief presentations. Inclusive approaches to audience research from and with the Institute for Cultural Market Research (IKMF), a self-developed statistical tool, as well as experiences with community work, intercultural opening, and audience engagement will be presented. In addition, the projects of the Berlin Performing Arts Program that focus on audiences and researching them will also be presented.

After this, experts will answer questions in table conversations and collectively reflect upon participants' approaches and the challenges in audience engagement.

All visitors are invited to bring their own topics with them for discussion. What have you always wanted to know about your audiences? What is your position on audience research and which approaches to active participation for audiences do you want to discuss?

In German spoken language.


With Gerlinde Bendzuck (Institute for Cultural Market Research IKMF, Working Committee of the German Disability Council) Mustafa Akça (Komische Oper), Hendrik Frobel (Managing Director, Chamäleon Theater), Laura Böttinger (Dance On – Dance Projects for Senior Citizens), Anja Kolmanics and Linda Scholz (Dirty Daisy Performance), Amy Fee (Board Danscentrum Sverige, Sweden) and Juliane Wieland and Insun Jung (Berlin Performing Arts Program)

20. November 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30 TD Berlin, Klosterstr. 44, 10179 Berlin
Podium Discussion

The cultural landscape is in motion: People working in the fields of art, culture, politics and administration are navigating between budget cuts, considerations regarding funding guidelines and state budget policies, debates about artistic freedom, antisemitism and antimuslim racism, the strengthen of antidemocratic movements, laws regarding non-profit organizations and the principle of neutrality as well as artificial intelligence and its framework conditions – as well as many additional topics that determine their daily business. In doing so, the opinions are often strongly divergent debates ranging from passionate to heated determine our spaces for conversation. But how do things continue from here?

Even though opinions within the scene are increasingly diverging, what does this mean for the quality of our collaboration in addressing shared challenges? How do our differences of opinion impact our understanding of art and culture as democratic spaces, as well as the visibility and effectiveness of (independent) arts concerning societal developments?

Experts from the cultural scene exchange ideas on strategies for the future of the independent arts at the state, federal, and European levels, and reflect on the (cultural) policy steps that cultural actors must take.

In German spoken language.


Moderation: Moritz von Rappard (Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft)

Moritz von Rappard works, amongst other practices, as a curator, moderator and mediator and engages intensely with the topics of diversity development as well as the opening up of and participation within cultural institutions. He has been active in Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft in the team of speakers of the regional group of Berlin-Brandenburg since 2021.

Conceived in cooperation with the Cultural Policy Society Berlin-Brandenburg and the speakers Cerstin Gerecht, Moritz von Rappard, Sarah Zalfen, and Wibke Behrens.

Status message

++ Thank you for the great interest! The conference is fully booked. You are welcome to try registering on-site at the accreditation desk, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee participation. ++


++ Thank you for the great interest! The conference is fully booked. You are welcome to try registering on-site at the accreditation desk, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee participation. ++


For questions and suggestions regarding the annual conference of the Berlin Performing Arts Program, please contact Sarah Stührenberg at sarah.stuehrenberg [at] pap-berlin.de or +49 (0)30 / 20 45 979 14.

For questions about organizational matters and accessibility, please contact Angelika Schmidt at angelika.schmidt [at] pap-berlin.de or +49 (0)30 / 20 45 979 14.

Accessibility & Service

Further information on awareness, language, and potential barriers can be found HERE.