Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

Industry Get-Together
27. Oktober 2021 | 17:00 -
Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169/170, 10115 Berlin

Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

English and German possible

Who hasn't been in this situation before? We are still searching urgently for a dramaturg or stage designer for the next project, we are keen to take part in a performance project and have the time or we want to join up with a collective project. Unfortunately, neither posts nor mass mails have been able to bring anyone to the table. Over the course of the Salon – Lost and Found, projects can be presented, partners can be looked for and projects can be found. When registering for the event, please also briefly tell us: what kind of project or profession and/or position are you looking for? We look forward to a friendly event with you!

 Host: Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)