9th Industry Get-Together: EXCEPTIONAL?! – Rules of an Independent Performing Arts Community

23. October 2021 - 31. October 2021

9th Industry Get-Together: EXCEPTIONAL?! – Rules of an Independent Performing Arts Community

Registration is open!

October 23 and 24, 2021: Workshops
October 25 to 28, 2021: Discourse & Networking
October 29, 2021: Gathering
October 30 and 31, 2021: Workshops

Flyer for Download
Anyone who wants to play needs rules. We know this far too well. But, after more than a year of endless forms, hygiene concepts, new standard operating procedures and revision of regulation after revision of regulation, we really would like to be able to dedicate ourselves once again to the possibilities that we cannot even see any more thanks to all of the bureaucracy. How do we want to structure ourselves? What principles of order result in freedom? Which produce violence or exclusion? Again and again, we return to the issues of power relationships and structural changes. This year, we will turn our attention to adjustments that can be in terms of administration, art and form.

Bookmarked by two weekends of workshops, the programming focus Discourse and Networking provides daily impulses and points of contact as a digital live stream and virtual café on Gather.Town. Our once, twice, three times RENDEVOUS and AU REVOIR at Berliner Ringtheater is a finale on three levels and missing out is not an option! In addition, we are really looking forward to two radio salons in the middle and at the end of the Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community.

Now for the ninth time, the Industry Get-Together of the Berlin Performing Arts Program is offering a central platform for exchanges and networking. This time around, we are particularly indebted to and thankful for the strong sense of solidarity shown by Acker Stadt Palast, Vierte Welt, Berliner Ringtheater as well as Schaubude Berlin. Together, we are putting on a hybrid networking conference for nine whole days in the widest variety of forms.

Industry Get-Together
23. October 2021 - 14:00 - 16:00 Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin
In English
The workshop is held twice.

Fatigue and precarity are constantly present in the increasingly unsocial working conditions of a hyper-capitalized world of art. The workshop by the artists Kallia Kefala and  Nefeli Gioti seeks to create a space for reflection and collective learning upon the conditions that make us tired and upon the ways we can creatively resist them. Together we will navigate the complex field of fatigue through discussion, games and performative practices.

This workshop is based on materials and working methods of the performance MÜDE, which takes place from October 28th to November 5th at Vierte Welt.

Kallia Kefala (artist) & Nefeli Gioti (dramaturge)

Industry Get-Together
23. October 2021 - 17:00 - 19:00 Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin
In English
The workshop is held twice.

Fatigue and precarity are constantly present in the increasingly unsocial working conditions of a hyper-capitalized world of art. The workshop by the artists Kallia Kefala and  Nefeli Gioti seeks to create a space for reflection and collective learning upon the conditions that make us tired and upon the ways we can creatively resist them. Together we will navigate the complex field of fatigue through discussion, games and performative practices.

This workshop is based on materials and working methods of the performance MÜDE, which takes place from October 28th to November 5th at Vierte Welt.

Kallia Kefala (artist) & Nefeli Gioti (dramaturge)

Industry Get-Together
24. October 2021 - 14:00 - 18:00 Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin

In her lecture followed by an in-depth workshop, dramaturge and performer Lisa Schettel addresses conditions that do not sound like rebellion, but hide potential: cluelessness and shame. She first shares her many years of research and artistic approaches to these topics, before inviting the audience to actively process them in self- and collective questioning – without a clue and with shame, of course.

By and with Lisa Schettel (Dramaturge)

Industry Get-Together
25. October 2021 - 11:00 - 16:00 STREAM

The questions and demands regarding structural solutions and radical systematic changes are getting louder and louder. At the same time, a desire for rules and regulations persists, as well as the utopian belief in bureaucracy. But how do we, in fact, achieve a fluid, diverse and socially just society with established, fixed rules? We will stream our discourse programming from Acker Stadt Palast every day from October 25 to October 28 as a primary programming focus, using it to thoroughly examine this apparent paradox both in terms of cultural policy as well as conceptually. It will begin every day with a cultural policy panel discussion that will be followed by a keynote speech at lunchtime and close at the end of the afternoon with a dialogue focusing on specific daily topics.


Initially, radicalism and rules seem like opposing forces. Whoever follows the rules can’t be radical and vice versa. Is this really true? To begin our exploration, we have asked ourselves what areas we would like to be radical in and whether rethinking things absolutely has to mean making a break with the existing conditions.

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Antigone Akgün (performer / writer / dramaturg), Sebastian Brünger (Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the German Federal Cultural Foundation) and Gerhild Steinbuch (author), moderated by Mirjam Schaub (philosopher, journalist)

1:00 to 1:20 pm
Lunchtime keynote speech by Şeyda Kurt (journalist / writer / curator)

2:30 to 4:00 pm
Dialogue between Marietheres Jesse (CHICKS* performance collective) and Anja Kerschkewicz (Frauen und Fiktion)

Industry Get-Together
25. October 2021 - 15:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town

3:00 to 4:30 pm
Keynote speech and rounds of discussion

5:00 to 6:00 pm
A round of exchange based on practical experiences as well as work groups

The virtual café of Berlin’s Schaubude will be opened every day for discussions about rules and regulations and exchanges based on specific examples. Table conversations initiated by festivals and other initiatives within Berlin’s independent arts community will also be available here. The focus will be placed on questions revolving around restructuring in bureaucratic times, preservation logic and the digital space, which has been expanding the access to the world long before the digitalization that came with the lockdown. The main thing is that we have the opportunity to share information and experiences.

With the Archiv der Freien Szene (archive of the independent performing arts).

Industry Get-Together
25. October 2021 - 16:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town
In English and German

Here you can find the rules for successfully getting things off to a good start in Berlin’s independent performing arts community and an initial orientation for how to get started in the first place. Christin Eckart and Fatima Çalışkan will guide you through the advisement and qualification opportunities provided by the Berlin Performing Arts Program as well as inform you about opportunities available through cooperation partners.

In order to take part in this event, a registration with the Information Center at beratung [at] pap-berlin.de () by October 15 is required!

Christin Eckart & Fatima Çalışkan (Information Center of the Performing Arts Program)

Industry Get-Together
26. October 2021 - 11:00 - 16:00 STREAM

The questions and demands regarding structural solutions and radical systematic changes are getting louder and louder. At the same time, a desire for rules and regulations persists, as well as the utopian belief in bureaucracy. But how do we, in fact, achieve a fluid, diverse and socially just society with established, fixed rules? We will stream our discourse programming from Acker Stadt Palast every day from October 25 to October 28 as a primary programming focus, using it to thoroughly examine this apparent paradox both in terms of cultural policy as well as conceptually. It will begin every day with a cultural policy panel discussion that will be followed by a keynote speech at lunchtime and close at the end of the afternoon with a dialogue focusing on specific daily topics.


So where is it, this much-touted and so-called “new normal”? At the moment it seems to have shifted terribly out of place and fallen into the wrong hands. Rules shape the ways in which we live together, work together and are connected to us each other. This is reason enough to dedicate ourselves to the supposed norm during our investigation and examine it.

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Yvonne Büdenhölzer (direction Theatertreffen Berliner Festspiele), Annett Gröschner (author), Pauline Püschel (Senate Department for Culture and Europe), moderated by Tessa Hartig (culture maker)

1:00 to 1:20 pm
Lunchtime keynote speech by Max Czollek (publicist)

2:30 to 4:00 pm
Dialogue between Hannah Müller (vt corp.) and Bastian Trost (Gob Squad)

Industry Get-Together
26. October 2021 - 14:00 - 15:30 DIGITAL in Gather.Town
In English

2:00 to 3:30 pm
Keynote speech and rounds of discussion

The virtual café of Berlin’s Schaubude will be opened every day for discussions about rules and regulations and exchanges based on specific examples. Table conversations initiated by festivals and other initiatives within Berlin’s independent arts community will also be available here. The focus will be placed on questions revolving around restructuring in bureaucratic times, preservation logic and the digital space, which has been expanding the access to the world long before the digitalization that came with the lockdown. The main thing is that we have the opportunity to share information and experiences.

With Keiken (Performance Collective) and Katharina Haverich (Conceptual performance artist). Moderated by: Julian Kamphausen (Prater Digital) 

In collaboration with the Monologfestival Berlin at TD Berlin.

Industry Get-Together
26. October 2021 - 16:00 - 17:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town

As part of this year’s exchange with the independent performing arts community in Schleswig-Holstein, a travel group from Lübeck and Flensburg have been invited to the Industry Get-Together in Berlin. Before the physical start of the trip, the digital exchange format provides the opportunity to get to know the participants from Schleswig-Holstein and the focuses of their work before meeting them live in Berlin at the end of the week for networking and exchanges. We are looking forward to a breath of fresh air and new faces!

Industry Get-Together
26. October 2021 - 16:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town
In English and German

Here you can find the rules for successfully getting things off to a good start in Berlin’s independent performing arts community and an initial orientation for how to get started in the first place. Christin Eckart and Fatima Çalışkan will guide you through the advisement and qualification opportunities provided by the Berlin Performing Arts Program as well as inform you about opportunities available through cooperation partners.

In order to take part in this event, a registration with the Information Center at beratung [at] pap-berlin.de () by October 15 is required!

Christin Eckart & Fatima Çalışkan (Information Center of the Performing Arts Program)

Industry Get-Together
26. October 2021 - 17:00 - 19:00 STREAM

This year as well, we will be accompanied by the alert eyes and open ears of the radio broadcasters Julia Bonn and Anna-Lena Wenzel. In the first 2021 INDUSTRY GET-TOGETHER RADIO SALON, they will collect voices, ask questions and, at the end, bring everything together into a critical as well as conspiratorial reflection.

Julia Bonn (artist/physical therapist) & Anna-Lena Wenzel (author/artist) with guests

Industry Get-Together
27. October 2021 - 11:00 - 16:00 STREAM

The questions and demands regarding structural solutions and radical systematic changes are getting louder and louder. At the same time, a desire for rules and regulations persists, as well as the utopian belief in bureaucracy. But how do we, in fact, achieve a fluid, diverse and socially just society with established, fixed rules? We will stream our discourse programming from Acker Stadt Palast every day from October 25 to October 28 as a primary programming focus, using it to thoroughly examine this apparent paradox both in terms of cultural policy as well as conceptually. It will begin every day with a cultural policy panel discussion that will be followed by a keynote speech at lunchtime and close at the end of the afternoon with a dialogue focusing on specific daily topics.


Rules have the function of avoiding chaos or at least keeping things under control. But does art want to be control and to control? Or is the image of chaotic art in times shaken by catastrophes one that must be urgently questioned? The time has come to ask the crucial question - what is all of this for?

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Rabea Grand (Coordination Artistic Program Gessnerallee), Steffen Klewar (program direction Fonds Darstellende Künste) and Peggy Mädler (author/dramaturge), moderated by Fatima Çalışkan (artist, curator, consultant)

1:00 to 1:20 pm
Lunchtime keynote speech by Stefanie Wenner (professor/artist)

2:30 to 4:00 pm
Dialogue between Max-Philip Aschenbrenner (artist/dramaturge) and Fabian Lettow (kainkollektiv) 

Industry Get-Together
27. October 2021 - 15:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town

3:00 to 4:30 pm
Keynote speech and rounds of discussion

5:00 to 6:00 pm
A round of exchange based on practical experiences as well as work groups

The virtual café of Berlin’s Schaubude will be opened every day for discussions about rules and regulations and exchanges based on specific examples. Table conversations initiated by festivals and other initiatives within Berlin’s independent arts community will also be available here. The focus will be placed on questions revolving around restructuring in bureaucratic times, preservation logic and the digital space, which has been expanding the access to the world long before the digitalization that came with the lockdown. The main thing is that we have the opportunity to share information and experiences.

With Almut Pape and Klaas Werner (Anna Kpok), Katharina Wibmer (video artist) and Franz Schrörs (artist), moderated by Beate Absalon

Industry Get-Together
27. October 2021 - 17:00 - 19:00 Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169/170, 10115 Berlin
English and German possible

Who hasn't been in this situation before? We are still searching urgently for a dramaturg or stage designer for the next project, we are keen to take part in a performance project and have the time or we want to join up with a collective project. Unfortunately, neither posts nor mass mails have been able to bring anyone to the table. Over the course of the Salon – Lost and Found, projects can be presented, partners can be looked for and projects can be found. When registering for the event, please also briefly tell us: what kind of project or profession and/or position are you looking for? We look forward to a friendly event with you!

 Host: Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus) 

Industry Get-Together
28. October 2021 - 11:00 - 16:00 STREAM

The questions and demands regarding structural solutions and radical systematic changes are getting louder and louder. At the same time, a desire for rules and regulations persists, as well as the utopian belief in bureaucracy. But how do we, in fact, achieve a fluid, diverse and socially just society with established, fixed rules? We will stream our discourse programming from Acker Stadt Palast every day from October 25 to October 28 as a primary programming focus, using it to thoroughly examine this apparent paradox both in terms of cultural policy as well as conceptually. It will begin every day with a cultural policy panel discussion that will be followed by a keynote speech at lunchtime and close at the end of the afternoon with a dialogue focusing on specific daily topics.


The form, the formula, the formality - even if it hardly seems possible, we will use this day to bring together people who believe in the utopian power of these three Fs or are working with them on a variety of levels. Form follows function, or is it the other way round?

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Panel discussion with, amongst others, Stephan Behrmann (Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin, Special Programs), Christina Hilmer-Benedict (Initiative Berliner Kulturfördergesetz), Heinrich Horwitz (director, actor, choreographer) and Lars Zühlke (administrative director HAU Hebbel am Ufer), moderated by: Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program)

1:00 to 1:20 pm
Lunchtime keynote speech by Julian Warner (cultural anthropologist/musician)

2:30 to 4:00 pm
Dialogue between Marie Schleef (director) and Christoph Winkler (choreographer)

Industry Get-Together
28. October 2021 - 13:00 - 15:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town
Two-day foundational workshop

October 28, 2021
1:00 to 6:00 pm

October 29, 2021
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Over the course of a two-day foundational workshop, Noa Winter and Anne Rieger will raise awareness on the topic of accessible cultural production. In doing so, they will provide a variety of views on so-called disabilities, the current state of legislation in Germany as well as the use of ableist language. In this space, which is intended for professionals and advisers within the independent performing arts community, the primary focus is placed on specific realization in practice.

Please note: in order to take part in this event, a registration with the Information Center at beratung [at] pap-berlin.de by October 15 is required!

Noa Winter (Curator for Disability Arts, advisor for accessibility in dance and theater) and Anne Rieger (creative production/project manager, advisor for accessibility in dance and theater)

Industry Get-Together
28. October 2021 - 15:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL in Gather.Town

3:00 to 4:30 pm
Keynote speech and rounds of discussion

5:00 to 6:00 pm
A round of exchange based on practical experiences as well as work groups

The virtual café of Berlin’s Schaubude will be opened every day for discussions about rules and regulations and exchanges based on specific examples. Table conversations initiated by festivals and other initiatives within Berlin’s independent arts community will also be available here. The focus will be placed on questions revolving around restructuring in bureaucratic times, preservation logic and the digital space, which has been expanding the access to the world long before the digitalization that came with the lockdown. The main thing is that we have the opportunity to share information and experiences.

With Elektron.Art (Semi-Virtual Platform for Art and Science Estonia) and Gritt Uldall-Jessen (Selected Works Festival Copenhagen), Moderation: Silvia Werner (Network Director Festivalfriends).

Industry Get-Together
29. October 2021 - 12:00 - 14:00 Berliner Ringtheater, Laskerstraße 5, 10245 Berlin

The Berlin Ringtheater, including its forest garden, are putting together a three-part celebration this year so that as many people as possible can take part in accordance with the hygiene conditions. At 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and at 7:00 pm, respectively, we are putting on an event that combines the opening, half-way point celebration, gathering and closing party with sparkling wine as a duration RENDEZVOUS and AU REVOIR. What’s more, we get to look forward to words of welcome and keynote speeches from the highest levels of the cultural administration. What we are looking forward to even more, however, is seeing all of you and having the option, at a sufficient and safe physical distance, of cutting down the emotional distance between us and asking all of you how you are doing.

Including the time for entering and exiting the premises, a little show and the get-together (possible indoors as well as outdoors!), we’ll have you out the door again after exactly two hours. Before or after, you can hear about what you’ve missed or what you can especially look forward to on the Radio Salon.

With Sabine Bangert (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program), Anete Colacioppo (Acker Stadt Palast), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Jana Grünewald (Dachverband Tanz), Annett Hardegen (Vierte Welt), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste), Tim Sandweg (Schaubude Berlin), Felizitas Stilleke (Branchentreff 2021) as well as the board of LAFT Berlin and other representatives from the field of politics and art.

Moderated by: Hauke Heumann (actor)

Industry Get-Together
29. October 2021 - 15:00 - 17:00 Berliner Ringtheater, Laskerstraße 5, 10245 Berlin

The Berlin Ringtheater, including its forest garden, are putting together a three-part celebration this year so that as many people as possible can take part in accordance with the hygiene conditions. At 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and at 7:00 pm, respectively, we are putting on an event that combines the opening, half-way point celebration, gathering and closing party with sparkling wine as a duration RENDEZVOUS and AU REVOIR. What’s more, we get to look forward to words of welcome and keynote speeches from the highest levels of the cultural administration. What we are looking forward to even more, however, is seeing all of you and having the option, at a sufficient and safe physical distance, of cutting down the emotional distance between us and asking all of you how you are doing.

Including the time for entering and exiting the premises, a little show and the get-together (possible indoors as well as outdoors!), we’ll have you out the door again after exactly two hours. Before or after, you can hear about what you’ve missed or what you can especially look forward to on the Radio Salon.

With Sabine Bangert (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program), Anete Colacioppo (Acker Stadt Palast), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Jana Grünewald (Dachverband Tanz), Annett Hardegen (Vierte Welt), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste), Tim Sandweg (Schaubude Berlin), Felizitas Stilleke (Branchentreff 2021) as well as the board of LAFT Berlin and other representatives from the field of politics and art.

Moderated by: Hauke Heumann (actor)

Industry Get-Together
29. October 2021 - 19:00 - 21:00 Berliner Ringtheater, Laskerstraße 5, 10245 Berlin

The Berlin Ringtheater, including its forest garden, are putting together a three-part celebration this year so that as many people as possible can take part in accordance with the hygiene conditions. At 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and at 7:00 pm, respectively, we are putting on an event that combines the opening, half-way point celebration, gathering and closing party with sparkling wine as a duration RENDEZVOUS and AU REVOIR. What’s more, we get to look forward to words of welcome and keynote speeches from the highest levels of the cultural administration. What we are looking forward to even more, however, is seeing all of you and having the option, at a sufficient and safe physical distance, of cutting down the emotional distance between us and asking all of you how you are doing.

Including the time for entering and exiting the premises, a little show and the get-together (possible indoors as well as outdoors!), we’ll have you out the door again after exactly two hours. Before or after, you can hear about what you’ve missed or what you can especially look forward to on the Radio Salon.

With Sabine Bangert (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Program), Anete Colacioppo (Acker Stadt Palast), Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste), Jana Grünewald (Dachverband Tanz), Annett Hardegen (Vierte Welt), Helge-Björn Meyer (Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste), Tim Sandweg (Schaubude Berlin), Felizitas Stilleke (Branchentreff 2021) as well as the board of LAFT Berlin and other representatives from the field of politics and art.

Moderated by: Hauke Heumann (actor)

Industry Get-Together
29. October 2021 - 17:00 - 19:00 STREAM

Live from the forest garden at Ostkreuz, our radio broadcasters Julia Bonn and Anna-Lena Wenzel will report all of the happenings and goings on at the RENDEZVOUS + AU REVOIR. They will sum up the moods and atmospheres of the week, provide a brief glimpse of what is still to come and hold their microphones out to some VIPs from the independent performing arts community. And so, you have the opportunity to be there without physically being there.

Julia Bonn (artist/physical therapist) & Anna-Lena Wenzel (author/artist) with guests

Industry Get-Together
30. October 2021 - 14:00 - 17:00 Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin

The format invites the participants to consider solidarity and differences in economic questions in the form of community care practice. In doing so, a coming to terms with structures will play a special role and we will work together to consider solidary art practices.

October 30, 2021
Green Open Food Evolution — Hybridization Processes in Human and Non-Human Ingestion, or, How Bacteria Have Sex
With Maya Minder

Probiotics to improve the immune system, vegans live healthier and longer, algae are being hyped as a new superfood. According to a scientific article, the Japanese microbiome has adapted itself over centuries to its environment in order to be able to better digest algae. The evolutionary epigenetics of the human microbiome express themselves in Japanese food culture. The improvement of our digestive system is underlined just as much by the newest trend toward raw fermented kombucha. The human being and their microbial complexity with their environment scream for changes in habits. A possible life after the ruin of capitalism? Can veganism actually lead to us becoming plant-based? As a food artist, Maya Minder uses a hands-on workshop in order to try and answer the questions of how norms, contingents and disciplining of foodstuff and beyond can be undone by using unlearning processes. A workshop on the topic of hybridization processes between cuisine, biohacking and evolution theory.

Based in Zurich, the artist Maya Minder uses cooking as a processual negotiation of the symbiotic coexistence of human and non-human living creatures. In doing so, she creates interrelations between everyday objects and animistic natural materials. She has created work for Ars Electronica, the Piksel Festival in Bergen as well as for Kunsthalle Zürich and is part of BadLab Zürich and the International Hackteria Society.

Organized by Melmun Bajarchuu (critical companion), Annett Hardegen (dramaturge/producer/co-director) & Julia*n Meding (performance artist)

Industry Get-Together
31. October 2021 - 14:00 - 17:00 Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin

The format invites the participants to consider solidarity and differences in economic questions in the form of community care practice. In doing so, a coming to terms with structures will play a special role and we will work together to consider solidary art practices.

Open to people who self-identify as part of a marginalised or underrepresented group in the arts and cultural community. Please write 1-2 sentences why you would like to join the workshop to produktion [at] viertewelt.de.

October 31, 2021
Working through Conflict and the Possibility of Inter-community Solidarity?
With Kathy-Ann Tan

In this experimental and participatory workshop, we will discuss and brainstorm some strategies and techniques of how to deal with, and work through, conflict within queer, BIPoC* and otherwise marginalised communities in the arts scene(s) in Berlin. While "diversity", "integration" and "accessibility" have become buzzwords in Berlin's arts and cultural scene in the last decade, many attempts to "decolonise" institutions or practice anti-racist methodologies continue to be undermined by acts of tokenism, extractivism and instrumentalisation. These are perpetrated by both white- and BIPoC-led institutions, and is a reflection of a larger "divide-and-rule" mechanism at work in white-dominant, western societies. How can we as artists and cultural practitioners work through our own internal divisions, tensions and conflicts while still understanding that the larger goal must be to support the work of underrepresented and minority artists who are faced with the challenges of navigating and surviving institutional whiteness? How can we be aware of, and challenge, abelist attitudes? Are trans-community forms of solidarity possible? How can we practice forms of care, calling in (as opposed to calling out), and conversation that continue to create and hold space for a multiplicity of dissenting voices while working toward a larger goal of dismantling cis-white-heteropatriarchy?

Kathy-Ann Tan is a Berlin-based curator, writer and independent scholar of the visual arts and performance, postcolonial and decolonial theory, critical diversity studies and gender/queer studies. She is interested in alternative models of art dissemination, exhibition-making and institution-building that are attuned to issues of social- and transformative justice. Her ongoing project www.decolonialartarchives.com aims to collaboratively build an online and offline forum for artists and curators to develop ways of interrogating colonial narratives and countering neo-colonial forms of domination and control.

Organized by Melmun Bajarchuu (critical companion), Annett Hardegen (dramaturge/producer/co-director) & Julia*n Meding (performance artist)

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Booklet Industry Get-Together 2021

The accompanying “Special Edition By the Book” for the 9th industry get-together can be downloaded here.